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Protesting is fine. It's their democratic right. Smashing windows, throwing stuff at the police, fighting and starting fires is not. That's over-stepping the line.


You can see them all recording it on their phones for their 15 minutes of Youtube fame. The majority aren't doing this for principles, they're doing it for a laugh.


They really don't understand what makes the world go round do they? There's a recession on. It's one huge 5h1te sandwich, and everyone's got to take a bite. Except the students, apparently.


well nick clegg and the rest of the nobodies in the liberal dumbercrats have got more than 15 minutes of fame, and its their policy that has created a u turn that has led to this. Dont forget Clegg and lib dums went around universities with this policy and conned a load of people into voting for them

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They really don't understand what makes the world go round do they? There's a recession on. It's one huge 5h1te sandwich, and everyone's got to take a bite. Except the students, apparently.


Students and universities are facing the biggest cuts. 40% overall, with frontline teaching facing a 80% cut, a cut that will have to be filled through the higher charging of students.




No the violence isn't right either. It was caused by a minority, as on most protests, be them English Defence League or Students against fees.

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well nick clegg and the rest of the nobodies in the liberal dumbercrats have got more than 15 minutes of fame, and its their policy that has created a u turn that has led to this. Dont forget Clegg and lib dums went around universities with this policy and conned a load of people into voting for them


You misread my post. They can protest, but breaking the law is not acceptable.

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Do the Police bother with malicious damage then ? :confused:


You'd better ask them that?


I would guess that they would if they had the numbers to, but they don't, so they won't.


Hopefully we can ID people from the TV footage, and put them in the stocks.

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If I was the police commander, I would've got a megaphone, and said: "We start shooting tear gas and rubber bullets in 30 minutes, anyone who doesn't want it, leave now"

You'd shoot into a crowd because some people are setting fire to cardboard placards and some have commited the awful crime of sitting on a couch at Millbank Tower?

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Scum. Pay for your education

*man walks into a Doctors surgery*


Man: Doctor, i've got a lump on me balls.

Dr: Well, i'm the person to fix it. I went to university and learnt all about this.

Man: You didn't, well ... like. Did you pay for this yourself?

Dr: Well, no. I'm a doctor. My education benefits society, like it benefits you now with your lump.

Man: You f***ing scum. Get off me.




I'll translate for you. You're a tit.

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Scum. Pay for your education - later when you're on a decent wage.


Just playing devils advocate, but why then if people are to pay for this should they not pay for education from the age of five onwards? Later of course.


But they do - through taxation in general... So why should FE be different?

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