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Student protest, London 10 November


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Its written off after 25 years I believe and they don't ever have to pay it off. If they earn below £20k? they will pay nothing and over that it will be a tiny percentage before tax of their income.


It's 30 years and 9% of anything over 21k. Which on top of the announced VAT increase to 20%, NI increase to 12% and new state pension payments of 4% is a lot of money.

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either way they don't listen, but deffo not going to listen now, everyone is going to settle down to watch news tonite and it will all be about how buildings have been destroyed and people hurt not about what they are protesting about.


Well, somebody will have to pay for all the damage. I wonder where the money will come from? perhaps the government will take it from the money they would have been spending on universities.


University students have, in the past, been sent down for gross misbehaviour. I wonder whether the ringleaders will find that happens to them?

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Just seen the pictures, and its a bloody disgrace, the students are acting like animals.

You've not seen "the" pictures. You've seen "some" pictures of students acting like animals. "The" pictures of students protesting peacefully will be filed away in a box marked 'dull'. This is the art of spin.

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Well, somebody will have to pay for all the damage. I wonder where the money will come from? perhaps the government will take it from the money they would have been spending on universities.


University students have, in the past, been sent down for gross misbehaviour. I wonder whether the ringleaders will find that happens to them?


Sounds good to me, they may actually learn something

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It's 30 years and 9% of anything over 21k. Which on top of the announced VAT increase to 20%, NI increase to 12% and new state pension payments of 4% is a lot of money.


Especially when there are NOT ENOUGH JOBS, the jobs available are low paid, and we have workfare.


People are VERY VERY angry, and rightly so.



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why have the police not gone in and removed these protesting scum with tasers, rubber batons and water cannon?? these protesting trouble causing anarchists are not real students! the police should smash this riot soon as! instead of leaving them to destroy more property in the hope they will get bored.


the police have their hands tied, I'd love to see them move in and lock the ring leaders up, but if they do every camera is on them and next thing they will be on news saying police are being heavy handed. they are best treating them like children letting them tire themselfs out and or get bored!:)

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I'd be careful about saying this kind of thing in public.


Why? I'm not saying they should go out and do it (which would be incitement). I'm just saying that if someone did, why would I care? He doesn't care about poor people, or people whose lives suffer because he doesn't want the rich to contribute to a civilised society, so why should those people care about his sorry neck?

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