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Student protest, London 10 November


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Its written off after 25 years I believe and they don't ever have to pay it off. If they earn below £20k? they will pay nothing and over that it will be a tiny percentage before tax of their income.


If it's such a small amount they will have to pay, then how will it help reduce the deficit? This is a major increase in fees. You can repeat Cameron's spin all you like, but it doesn't make it true.

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The past students who got their education for free, and now pay tax. They could pay for it.


Ah, but that would include many people who are bringing in these charges. How can that be fair? They might be forced to drink slightly cheaper wine so that some oiks could enjoy the same educational advantages which they had. It upsets me to even thinik about such injustice.

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I am disgusted at today's The Sun. The way they have tried to patronise the general public into accepting the changes and turning them against students.


And to top it all:


"One of the reasons for a massive hike in tuition fees was to ease degree costs for FOREIGN students, PM David Cameron said yesterday during a visit to Beijing, China."


Ah, so that must be why the government, if you can call it that, are planning sweeping immigration cuts anyway. So not only do parents have to pay for they own children's education, they now have to pay for foreign students too. I can see that going down well in suburbia.

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Today is a sad day.


University should be about educating the elite. It is not about taking a Surf Board Design Course for 4 hours a week over 3 years.


People are missing the boat on this. Each good University has an alumni. I donate to my old uni. The Alumni fund will help poorer students attend the University. This is common in the USA - the Universities ask Alumni (who are earning a decent wage) to give something back to their Uni each month.


We have to stop the elitist approach. Anyone can go to Oxbridge - anyone who is clever enough, has worked hard enough. There are bursaries and scholarships - you need to know where to look for them. Private schools like Eton accept many poor students - some on full bursaries. Again ANYONE can apply for these - you need to show you are academically able and can contribute to the school (e.g. play the flute in the school etc).


The amount of money spent on shipping 50,000 students to London today could have funded many poor students through their degree courses.


People need to start asking - do I need to go to Uni. The whole system needs to be culled - there are too many Universities with too many 'Noddy' courses. Young people today need to start saving for their education - it ain't free, never has been - state education may seem free but it costs vasts amounts of money which people take for granted.

This post needs repeating again and again and again...............TILL IT SINKS IN!
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I had some sympathy for the students until watching the news this morning.


Whatever the new fee is £6K - £9K double or treble it to pay for the damage.


Peaceful protests are fine; breaking glass, storming a building and throwing fire extinguishers off roofs how is that going to help?


The public will just turn against these idiots and rightly so.

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If it's such a small amount they will have to pay, then how will it help reduce the deficit? This is a major increase in fees. You can repeat Cameron's spin all you like, but it doesn't make it true.


Its not in any way supposed to be paying off the deficit, all it is meant to do is make going to University sustainable. At the moment and for many years it has not been.

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I had some sympathy for the students until watching the news this morning.


Whatever the new fee is £6K - £9K double or treble it to pay for the damage.


Peaceful protests are fine; breaking glass, storming a building and throwing fire extinguishers off roofs how is that going to help?


The public will just turn against these idiots and rightly so.


I disagree, it's the parents who also have to pay for the education and it looks as if they will have to pay more. That's not going to go down well is it?

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So go to university and then be doomed to a life of poverty because it's unlikely people will get a decent wage. I repay my loan each month but the amount I pay does not even cover the interest. I'm a proud person and like to pay my way, but on my civil service wage that just isn't possible and considering Im going to be unemployed soon, the government will have to wait even longer to get its money back. Even if and when I get a new job, the chances are I will not be able to make a dent in my loan. I'm not the other person either.


but thats the point, you never have to pay it back. The taxpayer is losing out not you! You are effectively just paying a small tax.

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