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Student protest, London 10 November


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As the IFS have made clear we aren't in this together. The ConDems declared war on the poor with their budget. This is what the Class war they declared looks like, expect more. Don't blame those that are the victims blame those that started this.


class war??? what "class" do you think the students are?

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I'm all for seeing the police going in, picking the ring leaders off one by one and locking them up. The police have their hands tied, dammed if they do and dammed if they don't.These students are supposed to be our future leaders. I do hope not!


It is a shame they can't go in to Parliament and arrest the ConDems. Maybe when the police cuts start to bite they will.

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As the IFS have made clear we aren't in this together. The ConDems declared war on the poor with their budget. This is what the Class war they declared looks like, expect more. Don't blame those that are the victims blame those that started this.


To me it looks like the condems have declared war on everyone. Benefit scroungers, rich people, (sad to say it but) people with disabilities, students, so i don't see where this class war has come from

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I find it hard to believe these Lib Dem voters are acting like this.


Does anyone think it will get turned round by the media to be Labour voters faults for the unrest?


Perhaps Cllr. Scriven could go on the Toby Foster show tomorrow with a few reassuring words.

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I'd imagine they are in the "scared of being in £20,000 debt and more" class, at a guess.


I have that debt as it stands, from my time at uni. What do I do about it? I work hard so that i don't have to worry about it. The trouble with modern society is that more and more people expect everything to be given to them including jobs, education, money etc without having to do any work at all.


Controversial? I don't care i am entitled to an opinion. (that isn't a dig at you by the way chris sleeps, i'm just venting)

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I don't know why the students are so bothered. It is a frightening number but its not like a credit card loan. Most people won't pay it all back by the sounds of it. It is basically a tax. I still owe plenty and it doesn't bother me, if I owed on my credit card it would but its a totally different form of debt.

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