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Student protest, London 10 November


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Get a life they are unhappy about the way they have been treated they feel like they are being punished for wanting to make something of there lives!.


You sound like someone who is selfish and all for themself i can't fault the students and lecturers for rioting they should smash the houses of parliament up and burn that down while they are at it!!


not at all am I selfish and out for myself, I am all for protesting peacefully when people think something is unfair! I am however against destruction of propertyand the assualt of persons trying to do their job.

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Oppressing them perhaps not but condemning them to 30 years of paying off debts that they'll simply never be able to pay off I cant agree with. Add in the fact that we're targetting 50% of young people to go to university, we've made more professions require a degree to get into, we've been telling everyone that the way forward is to go to university for the past 10 years and we've made A-levels practically useless if not going to university and we're going to have serious problems down the line. You think we're struggling to find first time buyers now? Just wait until graduates get a job at 21-25k and find themselves paying income tax at 20%, NI at 12%, pension at 4%(?), 9+% student loans and then from 2012 another .8% going up to 4% by 2017 as further pension contributions. Unless Mummy and Daddy start putting money aside kids arent going to be able to get a deposit for a mortgage together for quite some time.


You go to University, you come out with debts, I have student debts and face 30 years of repayments, so do hundreds of thousands of others and I pay mine back on income over £15k not £21k, so i'm having to pay back double per month (on the income i'm on) than a student will have to in future. I agree though that we do need to be encouraging people to go to university but this needs to be balanced with sustainability

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Since when have the IFS been left of centre?


See Telegraph link in earlier post, are they lefties too?


The IFS aren't lefty but the guardian is, and they make their money by putting a lefty spin on things, so of course they want to portray the conservatives in a poor light.

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The police constable outside Scotland Yard giving a statement on BBC news is a skinny woman of about 5ft.


Even a student could over power her.


The police are probably going to strike soon. I can't see them being able to stand up a few angry doped up youth angry at their situation. Let alone the workers whom are being taxed to the hilt.

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not at all am I selfish and out for myself, I am all for protesting peacefully when people think something is unfair! I am however against destruction of propertyand the assualt of persons trying to do their job.


The police started it by batoning people who were protesting peacefully.

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What's the point in peaceful protest they never listen anyway! :mad:


either way they don't listen, but deffo not going to listen now, everyone is going to settle down to watch news tonite and it will all be about how buildings have been destroyed and people hurt not about what they are protesting about.

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The police constable outside Scotland Yard giving a statement on BBC news is a skinny woman of about 5ft.


Even a student could over power her.


The police are probably going to strike soon. I can't see them being able to stand up a few angry doped up youth angry at their situation. Let alone the workers whom are being taxed to the hilt.


I'm sensing sarcasm but just incase...The police are banned from striking

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either way they don't listen, but deffo not going to listen now, everyone is going to settle down to watch news tonite and it will all be about how buildings have been destroyed and people hurt not about what they are protesting about.


Many hundereds of thousands will see the protest as a victory for the people and will wish to attend future events.

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