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Harriet Harman humiliates Clegg at PMQT!

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Personally I thought Harriet Harman humiliated herself with her petty schoolyard antics. I also think it was a bit disengenuous to claim they didn't support 9K tuition fees when it was the Labour govt. who commisioned the Browne report which recomended cap free fees which could have seen fees rise to well over 9K at some institutions.

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It's all very well Harman having a go (along with everybody else and their goldfish) at Cleggy, but at least Cleggy set out his position during the election campaign, and that's what you might have got IF the Lib Dems had WON the election (:lol:). They didn't win, but at least everybody knew what their aspiration was. What was Labour's policy on Tuition Fees during the election? Did they have one?

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Personally I thought Harriet Harman humiliated herself with her petty schoolyard antics. I also think it was a bit disengenuous to claim they didn't support 9K tuition fees when it was the Labour govt. who commisioned the Browne report which recomended cap free fees which could have seen fees rise to well over 9K at some institutions.


The Labour Government commissioned the independent report - the key word is "independent" - just because you ask someone for an opinion doesn't mean you have to agree with it when they give it to you

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It's all very well Harman having a go (along with everybody else and their goldfish) at Cleggy, but at least Cleggy set out his position during the election campaign, and that's what you might have got IF the Lib Dems had WON the election (:lol:). They didn't win, but at least everybody knew what their aspiration was. What was Labour's policy on Tuition Fees during the election? Did they have one?


This needs to be put at the top of every lib-dem knocking thread.

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It's all very well Harman having a go (along with everybody else and their goldfish) at Cleggy, but at least Cleggy set out his position during the election campaign, and that's what you might have got IF the Lib Dems had WON the election (:lol:). They didn't win, but at least everybody knew what their aspiration was. What was Labour's policy on Tuition Fees during the election? Did they have one?


Labour's policy was to await the outcome of the report they had commissioned - we will never know what their response would have been if they had been in Government - although we could speculate


My issue with the Lib Dems on this is that they didn't simply say to the Conservatives (and the country) - we campaigned against it, we didn't win, but that doesn't mean we now have to support it, so we will simply abstain as allowed in the coalition agreement


It is the fact that they are enthusiastically supporting a policy they actively campaigned against that, to put it mildly, annoys me

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My thoughts entirely - she just came over as childish, how that is seen as a 'win' by some is beyond me.


well nick didnt really have any comeback to her did he, he couldnt rely on smarmy dave bailing him out, he was like a rabbit in the headlights and showed up for the gormless, spineless person he is

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well nick didnt really have any comeback to her did he, he couldnt rely on smarmy dave bailing him out, he was like a rabbit in the headlights and showed up for the gormless, spineless person he is


Did he need to have one? Why sink to her level?


I would have thought Harman would have learned her lesson after the "ginger rodent" episode.


But no, she just resorts to nasty name calling and snide remarks, just like certain other pathetic people on this forum.


Enough of the sour grapes. The coalition is still going well. Accept it.

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Did he need to have one? Why sink to her level?


I would have thought Harman would have learned her lesson after the "ginger rodent" episode.


But no, she just resorts to nasty name calling and snide remarks, just like certain other pathetic people on this forum.


Enough of the sour grapes. The coalition is still going well. Accept it.


the coalition is going well-give over, i will give it two years if the lib dums have the bottle. Lets face it, its there only chance of ever being in power so people like Clegg are bound to take the gauntlet, even though it means casting aside many principles, they stood for

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