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Harriet Harman humiliates Clegg at PMQT!

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I accept this argument to some extent - but that isn't what I said - I said it isn't their problem to try to resolve - not that they shouldn't have a policy on it


But the reason why I don't fully accept the argument is because it is academic what their policy is now, when the reality is that, by the time they come to put their policies to the electorate, the world will have moved on


One of the reasons why oppositions try to avoid offering policies when there is no general election coming up is because if they are any good or popular the Government can "steal" them


Another reason is, why have a policy now on something you can't change when, by the time you might be able to change it, the circumstances are completely different?


In other words they don't care about what is the best thing for the country.


If they had any alternative ideas (which I doubt) they should tell us so that we can have an opinion. If they came up with a good one we might be able to force the government to run with it.


I don't think they are capable of it though.

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You are seriously deluded, she is as effective as a wet fish, bring on David Cameron.


not the first time I've seen the words David Cameron and wet fish in the same sentence


I can understand those that know no better being impressed with David Cameron - especially if your basis of comparison only goes back, say, 15 years, but I'm surprised how many with longer memories are impressed by him


I know he represents a party I don't support, so I am biased, and I appreciate that, with the exception of William Hague, he is the best leader they've had since Mrs T, but he's hardly inspiring


He is the Tories Blair - photogenic, charismatic, and media savvy, but a leader of men? - 'fraid not


The sad fact is that there are so few politicians around these days on the front benches who are worth listening to or voting for


I'm going to shut up now as I've just turned into my Dad

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In other words they don't care about what is the best thing for the country.


If they had any alternative ideas (which I doubt) they should tell us so that we can have an opinion. If they came up with a good one we might be able to force the government to run with it.


I don't think they are capable of it though.


I'm not sure I have the same views as the opposition, but I'm sure they would say they do care about what is best for the country, they just have different ideas as to what that is and how it can be achieved


How on earth would you suggest you might force the Government to change it's mind? - you could conceivably get them to withdraw a policy (e.g. the Poll Tax), but I'm not sure how you'd get them to involuntarily adopt an opposition policy

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How did she give him a roasting exactly? The only roasting I got the impression of was Harman getting 'roasted' by a dodgy bloke during freshers week :gag: which she now regrets, possibly after getting the clap off him.


And can't have been that good at it as the old fella needs the taxpayer to grease his palms with adult material.

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Would you Labour supporters rather the coalition failed than the country be put back on a steady footing?


Sadly after reading and contributing to threads regarding changes the government are making regards employment and benefits I think the above is correct.

The negative views the anti government people express are repeated over and over again.

Scare mongering and sensationalism tactics are used which help no one.

In fact their postings have made me feel ashamed that I used to support labour.

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We're all so bored of the Labour v. Tories crap, didn't you know? We know the Self-Servatives are just out to make their rich mates richer and kick the poor, but we also know that Labour were useless, leaving the city boys to their own devices and then bailing them out when they screwed up and buying schools and hospitals on a credit card (PFI). And the Lib Dems? Pfft.


There's political life outside Westminster, some people on the student demo realised that. We all wish you'd just shut up.

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And can't have been that good at it as the old fella needs the taxpayer to grease his palms with adult material.


Are you sure you've hit the right target there, Digsy? :cool:

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Please forgive me for going slightly off topic, but who do you Labour supporters blame for our current financial cataclysm? If the coalition manage to sort out the budget deficit, nuke the expensive and unnecessary quangos created by New Labour and get folk off benefits and into work, will you still hate Cameron and Clegg?


Harperson is attempting to strut her stuff, having being placed where she is by the unions. She was never allowed front stage by Blair or Brown and has seized the opportunity whilst standing in for Milligoon. Labour has taken its customary lurch to the far left following an election trouncing. She is the self appointed guardian of political correctness and is quite simply a very rude person with absolutely no parliamentary skills.

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political correctness


LOL, gotta say they tried hard at this one, but they are communists / socialists so what would you expect. But as said many times before, you can't please all the people all of the time, and it cost a lot to boot. Bloody Labour...

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