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Where did you last go on holiday?


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Where did you last go on holiday and would you go again?


Last holiday I had was last half-term. Fuzzy & I went to a small fishing town on the North-East coast called Amble. Never really been up that part of Britain before but the Northumberland coastline is beautiful. We even got to go to Lindasfarne for the day which was intersting.


Would I go again? Definitely. I'd like to explore the Northumberland national park and coastline some more.


Holiday before that was in the summer. 2 weeks camping and B&B in Cornwall. Went to lots of the tourist attractions down there (Eden Project (-a must!), lost gradens of Helligan, Goonhilly, St Ives, etc etc.) It's a long way to drive but worth it when you get there.


So tell me about your holidays this year.



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Had two weeks in Sharm El Sheikh (Egypt, Gulf of Aqaba) in April. Very relaxing. Top hotel, fantastic people and great diving. Highly recommended and fairly cheap. In fact my brothers and some friends are there now following my recommendation!


Had a weekend in Liverpool two weeks ago and did my manly duty by gambling, drinking and getting a tattoo done!


I'm also off to the Dominican Republic in in two weeks time!! Getting married.

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Last time I was abroad was France but just nipped over as I was working in Dover for a day or two. Regularly been out drinking all over the country due to job - from Brighton to Aberdeen!


Last 'proper' holiday was Amsterdam (4th visit)- truly amazing place but you have to be sure of yourself otherwise you could get into some difficulties e.g. thieving crackheads everywhere! I would definitely go again - can't really refuse it's so cheap thanks to EasyJet :D

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This year we (me & nomme and Fletch sometimes) have also been to Tenby again, and Angelsey again this year. But we didn't get to Scotland, bummer. Nomme is right about Northumberland being a lovely place and i am sure we will be back there very soon.

Sure we have been somewhere else as well this year will have to think about it and edit later.

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Originally posted by Zamo

I'm also off to the Dominican Republic in in two weeks time!! Getting married.


I went to the Dominican Republic 2 years ago. It's a nice place to go for a resort holiday.


More recently though I've been doing shorter trips 3-4 days in length to wherever takes my fancy. Turkey was the most recent one.


I actually keep an online gallery of the places I've been in the past 12 months, if anyone is interested: http://rlloyd.org/rlloyd/photos.html


Just don't criticise my lack of skill when it comes to photography. ;)

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Originally posted by rlloyd

Just don't criticise my lack of skill when it comes to photography. ;)

As an amateur shutterbug, I'd say your composition is mostly spot on, the ones from Istanbul particularly.


My last holiday was in Ile de Re (near La Rochelle) - big family thing which was fun, but pretty resort oriented.


Go to sweden every year.


My preferred holiday is North West Scotland or European City Breaks (Venice, Amsterdam, Copenhagen, Bruges)


Also Brittany and Finisterre a few years ago, beautiful.


And I'm with nomme on Cornwall. We stayed in Fower ("Foy") which is a fantastically lovely fishing village perched on a massive deepwater estuary and very close to the Eden project (which is also fantastic, but a bit of a Gardeners Disneyland).


They have two rather nice fields of Cannabis at the Eden Project too!

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The last ‘actual’ holiday that I had was spent in Durban, Natal, SA. This was in Dec 1983 when I was living in Mbabane, Swaziland. Since then I have lived in Umtata (Transkei, SA), Bisho (Ciskei, SA), Kowloon (Hong Kong), Guangzhou (Canton), China, Winnipeg, Cross Lake (a northern indian reservation on the Nelson River), Fredericton, Victoria and Florence Lake, all in Canada. Returned to Sheffield in 1998. Hoping to spend two weeks in Tunisia in the near future.


I travelled a lot and lived in some interesting and picturesque places, and I'm not complaining, but it will be nice to have a holiday after twenty years!

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Sheffield England.

March 03

Ten days to get my head screwed back on.

Top people.Top place.Top friends that will always be there for me.

Yeah I,ll be back home in the new year for another visit.

I hope that I can time one of get togethers at the Rock Bar and meet everyone this time.

Might even bring a guitar.


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