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Are you wearing a poppy this Rememberance day?

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I heard about these muslims burning the poppy on the news driving home this afternoon, I have looked on the BBC website and watched the 6pm news and not seen anything about it. Can you see the Americans putting up with this? bet they would soon get rid of them, only in this country will we let people throw generosity back in our faces.:rant:

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You can think what you want - wouldn't use the terminology you've used. I believe i'm free to express an opinion that doesn't agree with yours without suffering your undignified responses.

He was probably more accurate than you in my opinion.


Its amazing how anyone who disagrees with you must agree with them - small minded if you ask me.


Dont be so ignorant, i dont mind that you wouldnt call them scumbags, what i have asked is 'what would you call them' and you eont answer!!! Next time you want to abuse your rights as a mod and call

Someone small

Minded at least get your facts right!!!!


The only time i will think your wrong is if you tell me they are right to do wht they did!!!!!!!

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Ive been wearing mine for the last couple of weeks.






You will never see the British Legion ramming their charity down your throat as you put it, as the people selling the poppies are a different breed of people they are doing it purely to raise money for the charity. They aren't harassing anyone making them sign up to donate each month so they get comission for the amount they sign up. That is the difference between the nice old chap stood wearing his medals smiling at people and the ones with clipboards chasing you around town.


Well said, I never feel harassed by the British Legion & I always wear a poppy. I see it as a mark of respect & a way of saying thank you to those who have fought for our freedom.

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But surely their actions are counter intuitive to the wearing of the poppy.


They're not necessarily fascists or socialists though but young adults who are losing the chance of a university education because the government is raising the costs far beyond their means to pay and I can undertand their anger and frustration.

I suppose that educating the future leaders and business people of Britain is not an item high on their agenda unfortunately just as it doesn't seem to be here in USA either

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Please don't mis-quote John Snow. He isn't a non-poppy wearer. he said he wanted the choice to wear one WHEN he wanted to (ie. today, and not the whole month of November as decreed by the BBC). And good for him. It's a free country (thanks to those servicemen and women who have given their lives) and we can all choose to Remember how we choose to. I don't think "enforced" wearing of poppies is in any way respectful. We all know that people on the BBC are wearing them because they have to, not because they choose to. When we see John Snow wearing his today (as he said he will be) we will know it is because he has put thought into it.


And yes, I'm wearing mine today, and I've sent my daughter to school wearing hers.

Well said Brunette!

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I wear mine, and remember my ancestors, and your ancestors who gave their lives, for me...and for you. I attended the short service in Barkers Pool today, and laid down my poppy in remembrance. I shall do the same on Sunday, and henceforth for as long as I live. We can never give enough thanks for our today. I am eternally grateful, and I will teach my son all about why we are here today. Lest we forget.

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