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Protest against benefit changes

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According to the govt. claimants are all scroungers. I have cancer and arthritis but choose to work part time so as not to have to go cap in hand and ask the DWP for help. Most days it is difficult and somewhat painfull but I will carry on working as long as I can.

I wouldn't wish cancer on anyone, BUT politicians are an exeption.:rant:


Now who is the idiot.

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Too many people have been brainwashed by the media into thinking that all benefit claimants are lazy workshy scroungers.


The vast majority are actually people just like you and me who have been unfortunate enough to have lost their job and are finding it extremely difficult to find another one.


We should all stick together lest we find ourselves in this same predicament tomorrow.


Cameron, via the media, is playing the oldest trick in the book. It's called divide and conquer. If you buy into this propaganda then you really are laying the blame at the wrong door, and allowing the politicians to get away with murder.


This is one occasion when we (the plebs) really are all in this together.

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Too many people have been brainwashed by the media into thinking that all benefit claimants are lazy workshy scroungers.


The vast majority are actually people just like you and me who have been unfortunate enough to have lost their job and are finding it extremely difficult to find another one.


We should all stick together lest we find ourselves in this same predicament tomorrow.


Cameron, via the media, is playing the oldest trick in the book. It's called divide and conquer. If you buy into this propaganda then you really are laying the blame at the wrong door, and allowing the politicians to get away with murder.


This is one occasion when we (the plebs) really are all in this together.


The vast majority of people on JSA may well be short term unemployed between jobs. They are exactly the people for whom unemployment benefits were introduced. Similarly, people unable to work due to disability or serious physical or mental illness need to retain their benefits. But there are some claimants who aren't honest, they have made claiming difficult for those in genuine need. And the media love to expose them - making people believe they are in the majority, when those of us with half a brain know they're not.


However, I'd ask a serious question. What should happen with families like this example - a woman of 40 with a partner of a similar age, her daughter and her partner and their baby. One real family, no health issues, but all on benefits - the daughter has never worked, and the others have been claiming for years. How is that child going to develop any sort of aspiration or work ethic as it grows up in a household where no-one does anything for themselves? This attitude is being replicated all over the UK, and if it continues the divisions in society are only going to get greater. So, what should this (or any) government do to try and get people like these to take some responsibility for themselves? Or should they just do nothing, apart from giving them their 'wages'.

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Its the benefit cheats the goverment are trying to boot out and the people who won't,don't want to workand are fit enough,if you are genuine the hurt won't be hard according to the gov.But we need to create jobs and bring manufacturing back into the country.

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