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Protest against benefit changes

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It doesn't matter how worthy the vast majority are, the country is broke and the benefits system is flawed. It needs reforming and it needs to end up cheaper than before.


Very true.

But I hope the government chase the genuine workshy back to work rather than focusing on easy targets such as those who are unwell and single mothers of very young children.

For many people living on benefits is a lifestyle choice. That's got to be wrong. There's something wrong with a country and it's society when it's more financially beneficial to be receiving state handouts than do a days work.

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Anyone appauled by the government trying to turn us into the new USA.

Why are the government doing what they feel like, jobseekers and benefit claiments should stand up to the government.


I think we need to look at it long term rather than the short term casualties.


Ask yourself this, in five, ten, fifteen years time, do we still want the state to pay people more money to do nothing than they can get by being employed?


I don't think the status quo is acceptable so it has to change sometime, and with the budget deficit and money being so tight, now is as good a time as any to make the change.




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I think we need to look at it long term rather than the short term casualties.


Ask yourself this, in five, ten, fifteen years time, do we still want the state to pay people more money to do nothing than they can get by being employed?







My bold.

Thats what has always gripped my ****!!

Why should i go to work and do a hard days graft so some lazy sponger can have a new plasma screen tv?

Get the idle of benfits!

Make the lazy work!

Send the foreign scroungers home!

Lock the door behind them!!

Job done!!!!

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It doesn't matter how worthy the vast majority are, the country is broke and the benefits system is flawed. It needs reforming and it needs to end up cheaper than before.


The country is broke yet Cameron can afford to appoint his own cronies onto the public payroll.


I quote: 'Isabel Spearman, Special Advisor to Samantha Cameron, she will work 4 days a week on a salary of £60,000, helping the PM's wife co-ordinate her diary, and choose outfits for engagements at home and abroad.


'Anna-Maren Ashford, will work in the flagship behavioural insight team in the Cabinet office, on a salary of £50,000.'


'Risha Saha, ex Tory candidate, will control the PM's personal Web Cameron site, he earns around £50,000.'


'Andrew Parsons, is to become the PM's personal photographer on a salary of £35,000.'


And there are another 20 odd appointments (mainly old friends and associates) on 'team Cameron' on similar salaries.

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My bold.

Thats what has always gripped my ****!!

Why should i go to work and do a hard days graft so some lazy sponger can have a new plasma screen tv?

Get the idle of benfits!

Make the lazy work!

Send the foreign scroungers home!

Lock the door behind them!!

Job done!!!!

You'd get my vote.
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It doesn't matter how worthy the vast majority are, the country is broke and the benefits system is flawed. It needs reforming and it needs to end up cheaper than before.


The country can't be that broke if Cameron can give an extra £450 million a year to unelected EU bureaucrats whose accounts haven't been signed off for 16 years in a row. This is on top of the £billions we already give to the institutionally corrupt EU.


Chancellor George Osborne has publicly stated that the budget of the Department for International Development would be increased by 37 per cent in real terms. Figures show that the UK spending on foreign aid - including the amount spent by departments other than DFID - will rise by 50 per cent, increasing from £8.4billion this year to £12.6billion in 2014.

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