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Have you ever found something and kept it?


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I saw a thread a minute ago where someone was thanking someone for finding and handing in their mobile at Handsworth Asda.


It made me remember years ago at Valley Centertainment, me and my husband found a £10 note. I wanted to and it in, husband insisted we kept it - I've been racked with guilt every time I think about it since then!


On another occasion, we were going away for a weekend, we stopped at Meadowhall on the way and I drew some money out of the cash machine. Like the idiot I sometimes am, I took my card out of the machine and walked off, leaving a hundred quid sitting on the machine. Half way to Whitby I realised my error and rang Boots - Hurrah! Some honest sole had handed in my money!!!!


Anyhow, what would you ave done if you'd found my £100 :suspect:

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I saw a thread a minute ago where someone was thanking someone for finding and handing in their mobile at Handsworth Asda.


It made me remember years ago at Valley Centertainment, me and my husband found a £10 note. I wanted to and it in, husband insisted we kept it - I've been racked with guilt every time I think about it since then!

On another occasion, we were going away for a weekend, we stopped at Meadowhall on the way and I drew some money out of the cash machine. Like the idiot I sometimes am, I took my card out of the machine and walked off, leaving a hundred quid sitting on the machine. Half way to Whitby I realised my error and rang Boots - Hurrah! Some honest sole had handed in my money!!!!


Anyhow, what would you ave done if you'd found my £100 :suspect:


You should feel guilty, I dropped that tenner, it was the ransom money I needed to get my wife back and thanks to you they shot her.

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You should feel guilty, I dropped that tenner, it was the ransom money I needed to get my wife back and thanks to you they shot her.


OMG, I'm so sorry.


If it's any consolation we got drunk and had a slap up supper at Burger King on the way home on that tenner.


Eeee........ When I were a lass.........

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I found a fiver on the pavement outside a pub recently. Another guy saw it at the same time as me. I handed it in, but if he hadn't been there I would probably have kept it. The bloke I gave it to looked bemused that I was handing it in! I suspect it didn't end up in the original owner's pocket. I don't think you should feel too bad about the tenner...

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My OH found an iPod last year which had obviously just been dropped as it was raining and the iPod was dry, but despite taking the numbers of the tram and bus which were at our stops at the time, reporting the item found to both the bus and tram operators' lost and found offices and the police, and posting notices in the shops local to where it was found and on an assortment of forums we never heard anything from the iPod's owner.


It's in a box and has never been used since it was found. It just doesn't feel right using it because it's not ours.

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I once found a mobile phone on a seat on a bus on my way into town, handed it in to the driver, but he didn't look the least bit interested, i often wonder if he even bothered to hand it in to the garage or wherever.


To be honest i would always hand things in if i found them as i know that if i lost something i would be gutted if someone found it and kept it. Although if it was just a tenner or something in the street, i'm not sure how you could be sure that anyone claiming it had genuinely lost it, its not like they could prove it......guess its a matter of trust.....

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