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What do you think Sheffield Forumers look like??

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Ooh, it is hard to imagine some people. I always find it interesting that when you look at how many members there are of the forum, and how many are Sheffield based that I could be sat on the bus or in a cafe next to someone I was arguing with/agreeing with only hours before and we would never know! Never met any of these people (that I know fo anyway) and please don't take offence.

I imagine jaberwocky as being a bloke, red hair, 30 something

chem1st I imagine as being a 50 something bloke with a relativey nice though ageing car

medusa I imagine as having long dark hair and favouring hippy type clothes

Plain talker, in my head, is quite short and slightly rounded woman with really smiley cheeks

phanerothyme (or however it is spelled) I imagine as being a tall thin man, late twenties, with jaw length straight dark hair and dark eyes and slightly olive skin

boyfriday I imagine looks like hermes off futurama

halibut I think would be a middle aged man who likes short sleeved shirts


anyway I had best stop now or I may offend someone! Are any of these even remotely accurate?

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Ooh, it is hard to imagine some people. I always find it interesting that when you look at how many members there are of the forum, and how many are Sheffield based that I could be sat on the bus or in a cafe next to someone I was arguing with/agreeing with only hours before and we would never know! Never met any of these people (that I know fo anyway) and please don't take offence.

I imagine jaberwocky as being a bloke, red hair, 30 something

chem1st I imagine as being a 50 something bloke with a relativey nice though ageing car

medusa I imagine as having long dark hair and favouring hippy type clothes

Plain talker, in my head, is quite short and slightly rounded woman with really smiley cheeks

phanerothyme (or however it is spelled) I imagine as being a tall thin man, late twenties, with jaw length straight dark hair and dark eyes and slightly olive skin

boyfriday I imagine looks like hermes off futurama

halibut I think would be a middle aged man who likes short sleeved shirts


anyway I had best stop now or I may offend someone! Are any of these even remotely accurate?


No, jabbers looks like a cross between Meat Loaf and Elton John.:)

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