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What do you think Sheffield Forumers look like??

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boyfriday I imagine looks like hermes off futurama


Lol, same here, only slightly slimmer and with more hair. :hihi:


Boyfriday - Young, gifted and black, but not that young. ;)


..sadly art imitates life a little too closely, thanks nerd (are you my ex wife?) :rant::hihi:



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I must have missed that! :o

John X

I thought you posted on the thread yourself ...


John X 50ish, bald, wears suits with trainers.

HeadingNorth, from Luton or somewhere, tall and thin and looks like the Demon Headmaster.

flamingjimmy, spikey ginger hair, freckles and green eyes, cheeky expression, wears converse boots.

bizzle, short and curvy, a NYC black girl, talk to the hand, looking for a direction in life, interested in religion :D

AJ Sheffield, blond, tall, chunky, buff, cheeky so n so, winks a lot! ;)

MickeyET, longish dark hair, brown eyes, nice bum, wears a tool belt and has capable hands.

Noddy Holder, looks just like Noddy Holder but with a bigger cap! :D


I'm really getting into this now! :hihi:

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