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Unbelievable woman left baby in car

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My god what are some parents like................

Today passed through sheffield and stopped on herries road at the pork shop,for a sandwich.....I parked at the carpark behind the shops,got my sandwich and came back to my car..............

A woman parked next to me saw her get out and walk towards the shops....

It was then i noticed she'd left a 6/7 month old baby in the back seat on it's own............I then just sat in my car to make sure nothing dodgy happened to the baby......I waited for over 15 mins then she came back,i was gobbed smacked that someone could be so damn stupid......Rightly or wrongly i chose not to say anything as i knew i'd have a right go, with potential fisty cuffs if she gave me any verbal.......Some people just don't deserve to have kids,people wind me up...................

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Perhaps she knew she could see the baby from the shop she was in, and had locked the car, and didn't think she'd be long. Is that SO terrible?


Thinking exactly the same myself. The op may not have realised that the parent also had the child in view too.

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No she could not see her car or the baby as the car park is right at the back of all the shops,how long would it take for some evil person to have put a brick through the window and just gone with the baby.

Am i the only person out there who thinks this is totally irrisponsible, of any parent to leave a child in a car let alone a totally defenceless baby.......

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No she could not see her car or the baby as the car park is right at the back of all the shops,how long would it take for some evil person to have put a brick through the window and just gone with the baby.

Am i the only person out there who thinks this is totally irrisponsible, of any parent to leave a child in a car let alone a totally defenceless baby.......


No, but considering you didn't give that information in the first place are you to assume that posters can read your mind? When you don't give relevant information in the beginning it's quite easy to add or subtract further information to re-enforce your original statement. Out of interest, if you were in your car how do you know there was a child on the rear seat? Also curious to know why you didn't approach her after she returned. I'm afraid violent action as your excuse doesn't cut it somehow.

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This is so easy.

1 - Take photos. Most people have camera phones these days.

2 - Call the cops with the information there is a baby alone in a car, mentioning you saw the mother bugger off and leave it.

3 - The cops may not get there in time but the reg and your photos will cause such a sh t storm for her, she'll never be that stupid again.

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