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Unbelievable woman left baby in car

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They had to learn sometime:hihi: I remember one little boy when about 18 months old said loudly you've got snownmen on your knickers. Very observant some kids:D


..I can only imagine how that could be lost in translation when relayed to his parents "Rivelin had some white men in her knickers!" :hihi:

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I wouldn't leave a child whilst in a cafe/ shop to go to the loo so I don't see why I would at home. Another reason I'm mega protective of children is because I have had a child abducted from me whilst working for CAFCASS as an centre supervisor. It was the child's Mum on a suppervise visit and he was found safe and well after a month but going through that experience was horrendous and I wouldn't wish it on anyone.

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You can imagine the reaction from the average 14yo where a parent demanded they accompany them to the charity shop on the basis that leaving them in the car raised the possibility of them being abducted! :hihi:


Oh yeah. I'm sure they'd be dying of embarrassment! Who wouldn't at 14?


You know boyfriday, this whole thing sounds very bad. A garden variety carjacker will tell the occupants to get OUT of the vehicle, because stealing the car is bad enough, they don't want kidnapping added to the charges, too. The fact that this guy didn't, indicates he wanted the kids. For what nefarious purposes we don't know, but we can safely assume it wasn't anything good.


This isn't about who's right or who's wrong. I sorely wish I were wrong and this practice was ok. It's about how all of us as parents love our children and want the best for them. And the best doesn't include leaving them in a car by themselves. And please no one tell me that nothing could happen, because it just did.


My own parents frequently left my sisters and I alone in the car while they went shopping. This ended the day my younger sister accidently turned the lights on while we were roughousing in the driver's seat and mom and dad were greeted with a dead battery upon their return. :D


And for those who still think this is ok, how would you feel if you found out a babysitter you hired was leaving your child(ren) alone in the car while they bought themselves a sandwich, picked up their drycleaning or paid for their gas? Would you still be cool with it? Or would you be upset?


And a final question, I've never been to England (unfortunately), but is there no system where you can pay at the gas pump? So that parents aren't placed in this situation? My husband and I buy our gas at Costco (American Express is offering 3% back on all gas purchases and 1% on all regular Costco purchases, check it out! Money back for buying what I was going to buy ayway? Yes, please! :)) The Costco fuel place is completely automated, I don't believe I've ever seen a person working there. Paying at the pump with your debit or credit card is pretty much standard in America, in most places anyway. :confused:

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You know boyfriday, this whole thing sounds very bad. A garden variety carjacker will tell the occupants to get OUT of the vehicle, because stealing the car is bad enough, they don't want kidnapping added to the charges, too. The fact that this guy didn't, indicates he wanted the kids. For what nefarious purposes we don't know, but we can safely assume it wasn't anything good.[/i]


So why on earth would any caring parent take their precious munchkin on an aeroplane (which often crash killing all on board) or heaven forbid a motor car (2,222 killed in 2009). When it comes to risk management the best thing you can do is keep your kids out of the car when its moving and stop taking holidays in the sun.

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So why on earth would any caring parent take their precious munchkin on an aeroplane (which often crash killing all on board) or heaven forbid a motor car (2,222 killed in 2009). When it comes to risk management the best thing you can do is keep your kids out of the car when its moving and stop taking holidays in the sun.


My chances of being struck by lightning in my lifetime are almost nil, but that doesn't mean that I'll start running outside during thunderstorms holding a metal weenie fork. Because that would be tempting fate. And tempting fate is EXACTLY what you are doing when you leave your child alone in the car. I'm sorry, I didn't tempt fate, not when it came to my kids! For which I suppose I can either thank or blame my mexican grandmother, who believed until the day she died in brujas, curses, and the power of Catholic saints.


We could nitpick and split hairs over this all day, but imo, statistics mean jack when you are the unlucky person this happens to and you are explaining to the police that you left your child alone, why? To get a sandwich in peace? Or that they were sleeping? In other words, for no damn good reason. The infintesimal chance that something could happen just wasn't worth it to me.

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My chances of being struck by lightning in my lifetime are almost nil, but that doesn't mean that I'll start running outside during thunderstorms holding a metal weenie fork. Because that would be tempting fate. And tempting fate is EXACTLY what you are doing when you leave your child alone in the car. I'm sorry, I didn't tempt fate, not when it came to my kids! For which I suppose I can either thank or blame my mexican grandmother, who believed until the day she died in brujas, curses, and the power of Catholic saints.


We could nitpick and split hairs over this all day, but imo, statistics mean jack when you are the unlucky person this happens to and you are explaining to the police that you left your child alone, why? To get a sandwich in peace? Or that they were sleeping? In other words, for no damn good reason. The infintesimal chance that something could happen just wasn't worth it to me.

I agree, just because it hasn't happened so far doesn't mean it couldn't. People use stats etc to justify their so called rational argument but really I think it's because they can't bear the alternative that bad things do happen to good people. To face the fact would be too painful for them. What were the chances of me losing children then having a child abducted from my care that brought all that loss back as it was yesterday, a million to one but it happen so wise up people, life is cruel so get over it.

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I agree, just because it hasn't happened so far doesn't mean it couldn't. People use stats etc to justify their so called rational argument but really I think it's because they can't bear the alternative that bad things do happen to good people. To face the fact would be too painful for them. What were the chances of me losing children then having a child abducted from my care that brought all that loss back as it was yesterday, a million to one but it happen so wise up people, life is cruel so get over it.


I also agree, and I'm sorry for what happened to you. :(


As for the original woman the op mentioned, yes. Maybe she was suffering from post partum depression. I struggled with it myself after the births of both of my children, so I do have some sympathy for her. I remember going to buy groceries when my youngest was about a month old. He was in his carseat in the grocery cart, and I turned away to put some apples in a bag. The cart was right next to me. When I turned back not 30 seconds later, there was some woman unbuckling his carseat! I asked her what in the hell she was doing, and she said she only wanted to 'hold' him. I was so shaken up by this and so exhausted from lack of rest, (my son was the world's worst sleeper) that I ended up sobbing in the manager's office in the arms of a sympathetic employee. To this day, I think of it and shudder at what could have happened. The police wanted to talk to this woman, but they never found her. They told me later that she was probably from out of the area. Whoever she was, she was a weirdo.


The people at the store felt so bad, I gave them my shopping list and they delivered my groceries free of charge. Maybe they were afraid of a lawsuit too, because everybody in America is sue happy. ;)


In any case, I was just grateful for the help that day.


Please parents, don't leave your kids alone in the car!

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