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Unbelievable woman left baby in car

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Temperature today somewhere around 7 degrees....but that's not the point.


Leaving a baby in a car on it's own for over 15 minutes!!!!


Some people don't deserve to have kids!!


Would that include people who standbye and witness such an action without confronting considering the op's fervour?


It's all very well coming on a forum and screeching at the top of your lungs "Am i the only person out there who thinks this is totally irrisponsible" to take the moral high ground and in the same breath tell us all how outraged the op is even to the point of fisty cuffs.


If it had been me I'd have said 'don't worry love, while you were away doing whatever you were doing I personally took it upon myself to look after your child, next time could you get your azz into gear and hurry as I may have an appointment'. In a very sarcastic manner though:hihi:


I just don't automatically agree with a poster who believes that everyone should agree based on zero facts, or limited facts given in the original op.

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How long does it take for a car to catch fire :confused:


A lot longer than it takes for a child to die in it's cot while you're in another room.


Personally I think it's a crime to leave an infant purposely unattended. I also believe the same applies to someone who has first hand knowledge who waits till they get home to a computer to vent. Seems all ****-eyed to me. What the hell do I know though, I'm only a parent.

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You've lost me skinz.

What's your point about the limited facts by the OP?


A woman thought it acceptable to leave a young baby alone in a car for over 15 minutes...in view or not.


It is not acceptable....and I stand by my opinion. She does not deserve to have kids.

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Personally I think the op wouldn't know if the person he's talking about had one of these in the car.




Or something similar, where an eye can be kept on the child at all times no matter where they are.

A friend of mine can view his car cam through his mobile phone.

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You've lost me skinz.

What's your point about the limited facts by the OP?


A woman thought it acceptable to leave a young baby alone in a car for over 15 minutes...in view or not.


It is not acceptable....and I stand by my opinion. She does not deserve to have kids.


Because the facts are limited and more seem to come to light as the op progresses. But between those facts the op seems to think that we should all rally. As I said I think it's a crime to purposely leave a child unattended, I don't have an issue with that, I do have issue with the op's response considering the op's disgust. As for facts, well I'm not to sure on that point. Maybe the word 'points' would have been more appropriate considering we're not sure if it happened at all. All we have is a scenario and part of that scenario is not just about a child being left alone.

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Amen shaz, I don't even leave my purse in the car, nevermind a helpless infant. And terrific. With a camera, she'll be able to give the authorities a great description of the kidnapper(s) who took her child. Or tell them exactly where the fire started. Unless she's standing 10 feet away or she's Carl Lewis, no way would she be able to sprint back to the car in time to stop someone from taking it or her child. :rolleyes:


And maybe someone wants the car and not the child. People steal cars and are in such a hurry to get away fast that they fail to notice the kid in the back. 15 minutes is more than enough time for someone to take a car. There was a case some years ago where thieves stole a car from a 7-11 type convenience store and threw the 6 month old baby girl in her car seat into an irrigation ditch. Thank God it was the time of year when crops weren't being irrigated and it was dry. Think anyone who would throw an infant into a ditch like a piece of garbage would worry if there was water in it or not? I'm guessing not. The baby was found 9 hours later by search dogs, severely dehydrated, sunburned, and covered with insect bites, but alive. Thank God she made a full recovery and is young enough that she won't remember her ordeal. Bet mom won't do that again anytime soon.


Yes, the odds of such a thing happening are low, but I'm appalled that any parent would even take such a chance with their most precious posession. Some people learn everything the hard way, pity it's the child who will pay the price for mom or dad's cavalier 'it can't happen to me' attitude.

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My god what are some parents like................

Today passed through sheffield and stopped on herries road at the pork shop,for a sandwich.....I parked at the carpark behind the shops,got my sandwich and came back to my car..............

A woman parked next to me saw her get out and walk towards the shops....

It was then i noticed she'd left a 6/7 month old baby in the back seat on it's own............I then just sat in my car to make sure nothing dodgy happened to the baby......I waited for over 15 mins then she came back,i was gobbed smacked that someone could be so damn stupid......Rightly or wrongly i chose not to say anything as i knew i'd have a right go, with potential fisty cuffs if she gave me any verbal.......Some people just don't deserve to have kids,people wind me up...................


What exactly did you think might happen? Spontaneous combustion? Eaten by wolves?

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