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Unbelievable woman left baby in car

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I don't have children so don't know, but don't most small children sleep in a whole other room to the parents where they could catch fire/choke/have a brick thrown through the window anyway? Not condoning leaving a baby in the car of course but it just seems a little silly.


I was left in the car as a small child, I can remember accidentally beeping the horn and thinking I'd get in huge trouble haha.


Yeah but the bedroom can't get nicked and driven away.

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is it against the law ?


Could be;




Scenario 1: You have three children under 5. You go shopping at the supermarket for 20 minutes, leaving them asleep in their car seats with the doors unlocked to avoid their movements triggering the car alarm.


This scenario is not advisable. It is an offence under section 1 of the Children and Young Persons Act 1933 to neglect or abandon a child under the age of 16 for whom a parent or carer has responsibility, but the law gives no detail of what amounts to neglect or abandonment. Prosecution and/or conviction depend largely on the circumstances. The punishment can range from a fine to ten years’ imprisonment.


The court is to likely to take into account the age and maturity of the child, for how long he or she was left alone and the arrangements to ensure his or her safety. Here, the children might get out of the car and wander on to the road – or anybody could remove a child from the car.


If the car doors were locked the children might be safer, but then what might happen if the children became very distressed in an enclosed space? Technically, children should not be left alone like that until they are 16. Five minutes might be acceptable in a locked car; 20 minutes is too long.

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I personally wouldn't leave a baby or young child unattended in a car, nor have I ever done,


Hold on a minute, I remember seeing you stagger out of the Jolly Buffer a few years back to placate your children with a bottle of Shandy Bass and some cheese & onion crisps :hihi:

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I personally agree with the OP and think its highly irresponsible.

To all the people that think it was no big deal, would you also think it would be fine for a mom to leave a baby at home alone while she popped to the shops for 15 minutes?


And as for all the worst case scenarios, I simply wouldnt want to risk my baby getting upset or distressed in my absense, let alone anything else!!

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Would that include people who standbye and witness such an action without confronting considering the op's fervour?


It's all very well coming on a forum and screeching at the top of your lungs "Am i the only person out there who thinks this is totally irrisponsible" to take the moral high ground and in the same breath tell us all how outraged the op is even to the point of fisty cuffs.


If it had been me I'd have said 'don't worry love, while you were away doing whatever you were doing I personally took it upon myself to look after your child, next time could you get your azz into gear and hurry as I may have an appointment'. In a very sarcastic manner though:hihi:


I just don't automatically agree with a poster who believes that everyone should agree based on zero facts, or limited facts given in the original op.


are you on drugs???? do you think its right to leave a baby in a car for any lenght of time on their own!!! do you not read the papers or listen to the news. there are bad evil people out there, male and female. this person does not deserve a child. and god forbid that it was a child she was looking after as the real parents would not know. karma my friend is a huge thing and it WILL come and bite this woman on the backside for leaving the child alone. the OP absolutely right in what she has said. thank god OP was there keeping eye out just in case. at least the baby has some guardian angel

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I personally agree with the OP and think its highly irresponsible.

To all the people that think it was no big deal, would you also think it would be fine for a mom to leave a baby at home alone while she popped to the shops for 15 minutes?


And as for all the worst case scenarios, I simply wouldnt want to risk my baby getting upset or distressed in my absense, let alone anything else!!


Yet almost everyone was praising the Mccanns when they did and they lost one of theirs.:huh:

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are you on drugs???? do you think its right to leave a baby in a car for any lenght of time on their own!!! do you not read the papers or listen to the news. there are bad evil people out there, male and female. this person does not deserve a child. and god forbid that it was a child she was looking after as the real parents would not know. karma my friend is a huge thing and it WILL come and bite this woman on the backside for leaving the child alone. the OP absolutely right in what she has said. thank god OP was there keeping eye out just in case. at least the baby has some guardian angel


Talk about an over reaction. "Won't somebody please think of the children"


If you believed everything in the papers or the news you'd lock your child up in a cupboard and never let them out.

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