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Unbelievable woman left baby in car

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This is so easy.

1 - Take photos. Most people have camera phones these days.

2 - Call the cops with the information there is a baby alone in a car, mentioning you saw the mother bugger off and leave it.

3 - The cops may not get there in time but the reg and your photos will cause such a sh t storm for her, she'll never be that stupid again.


Right, women comes out of shop sees the Op taking a photo of her baby women calls police, police come, Op gets arrested (suspected paedophile )phone confiscated and a lot of explaining to do .Nah just get in your car and go ........

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Hold on a minute, I remember seeing you stagger out of the Jolly Buffer a few years back to placate your children with a bottle of Shandy Bass and some cheese & onion crisps :hihi:


god grief that's my childhood (except it was my dad and a bag of nibbits)

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are you on drugs???? do you think its right to leave a baby in a car for any lenght of time on their own!!! do you not read the papers or listen to the news. there are bad evil people out there, male and female. this person does not deserve a child. and god forbid that it was a child she was looking after as the real parents would not know. karma my friend is a huge thing and it WILL come and bite this woman on the backside for leaving the child alone. the OP absolutely right in what she has said. thank god OP was there keeping eye out just in case. at least the baby has some guardian angel


Never used them and I would suggest you stop over indulging in yours. As for leaving a child in a car maybe you could read my posts and point out where I've said that. As for reading the papers and watching TV, yes. I probably watch and read more than you do. I tend to stay away from over indulgent rags and JK though.


And what are you talking about "guardian angel"?:gag:

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I think the whole leaving your kids in the car argument very much depends on the individual circumstances.

Yes; if the kids/car are out of your eyesight and it is longer than a couple of minutes then I would say that other than some kind of emergency that is unacceptable.

However I have left my kids in the car when they were asleep on a couple of occasions to nip into a fuel station to pay, or when I am unloading shopping at home or once to nip into a papershop - but on those occasions they were 30 seconds away and in my sight.

If they are awake then it is perhaps different - because they would become distressed.

But leaving kids in a car that you cannot see is wrong.

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