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Pontins go into administration


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so sorry to see pontins going into administration had some lovely holidays theire in the early 70s to 3 years ago my favourite camp was wall park in devon sadly closed down they had over 50 camps at one time home and abroad. it sadly lacks investment i hope it survives, being a holliay camp patron butlins is much the better at the moment .

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The poor conditions at Pontins are just to make the lower class type holiday makers feel at home. May I suggest they save their benefit money for Barbados or Antigua where conditions are more preferable, and the weather nicer.


Good riddance.


you need to take an o out of your name

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I had a mild panic attack when I first heard this news as I'm going to Pontins for the first weekend in December for Hard Rock Hell. It's an external company who hire it out for the weekend and put on loads of decent rock bands. They've assured me that it's still going ahead and having read the news websites it sounds like a leisure operator is going to be running it as it is actually a profitable business, it is just that the bank has withdrawn the overdraft facility which has messed up their cash flow - hence the administration situation.


I totally agree it's a complete and utter dive. The accomodation is shocking, it's a concrete hell which is very run down and grotty to say the least. If you can be bothered, head over to Trip Advisor and read the comments on there. The one which says 'I'd rather eat dog mess than go back to Pontins' had me in stitches.

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It's easy to take the <removed> out of Pontins (I wouldn't dream of going there)

Don't forget though, it was started in 1946 by Fred Pontin to provide affordable holidays for many.

Holidays in these austere times were considered a great luxury, really only for the well to do.

Foreign holidays were unheard of

Fred Pontin changed this and if my memory serves me correctly, worked very hard to introduce holiday pay for the working classes.

His camps must have bought great enjoyment to millions of people over the years ... wouldn't surprise me if a few of the older forummers were concieved at places like his!

So, don't take the <removed> ... Pontins is now a dinosaur for sure, but it has served many people very well over the years! ... Book early! :thumbsup: < ha!

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If they close the people of Prestatyn and Southport / Ainsdale will breathe a sign of relief that the Scouse robbing parties will now go elsewhere!




The one at Prestatyn isn’t still on the go is it :o it was the pits 20 years ago, Come to that they are all the pits, we always used Haven when our kids were little.

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Have you ever actually been abroad? i dont think so. Get real.


Actually I have been abroad on more than one occassion thank you very much!!!! Maybe not to exotic places but I have holidayed in various places abroad so I do know that you can get bad weather abroad. Alright it might be warmer "bad weather" but you can still get torrential rain and thunderstorms.


I have been on holiday abroad when it rained every single day and although we had booked for a week we actually came back home on the 5th day to glorious sunshine in the UK!! Might be a rarity but it can happen!!!

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