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What do people of south yorkshire think

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What do people of south yorkshire think of people, well muslim's not all of them just a select stupid few burning poppies, I have a question if there is good muslims why don't they anti-protest like whites do against EDL and BNP. Please answer me that please people :)


1. I don't agree with the burning of poppies but we live in a land of (unless you're on twitter :roll: ) freedom of speech.


2. They do - see muslims4uk et al.

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Perhaps that’s what’s wrong with Britain today; no one speaks up against the injustices that are being forced upon us.

Asylum seekers (Not Muslims) who commit serious crime in Britain and being allowed to stay is wrong, if their country is not safe for them, why come over here and make this country unsafe for the rest of us. I would deport any Asylum seeker who commits a serious crime, and for the more minor crimes it would be “Three strikes and your out” no matter what the consequences are for them when they get back home.


What do you consider your signature means chem1st?

It can be taken in at least two ways, and one of them is an Incitement to war, the other being just a statement saying that without Social Community’s and Society in general we would all be at war with each other.




I show in the first place that the state of men without civil society (which state may be called the state of nature) is nothing but a war of all against all; and that in that war, all have a right to all things.

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What do people of south yorkshire think of people, well muslim's not all of them just a select stupid few burning poppies, I have a question if there is good muslims why don't they anti-protest like whites do against EDL and BNP. Please answer me that please people :)


Do all 'whites' protest against the EDL/BNP?

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