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What do people of south yorkshire think

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I despair, it's not poppy burning that many are angry at, its what each poppy represents, a life lost, lost so you are free to scribe your bile on here.






30 odd protesters from Muslims Against Crusades, a splinter extremist group of Islam4UK, which was founded by Anjem Choudaryan. Ignore them, it's people like these who create an even bigger schism between Muslims and non-Muslims, don't let them win as that is their aim.


if you want to enjoy the privilege of living in a country where we have freedom of speech, then it has to be universally applied.

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Try and turn and twist it all you like m8, the fact is immigrants and British people in 2010 do not mix.
I'm not trying to twist anything, I'm a 2nd generation immigrant so I'm in a privileged position to actually know what Im talking about.

Areas like Darnall, and Fir Vale should tell you this and the relationship between non British will get even worse by people doing these ridiicolus and disrespectful acts.

Darnall & Firvale are only two areas of Sheffield, ironically in my youth I lived on Skinnerthorpe Road for a time, nearly 50 years ago, was mainly Afro Caribbean faces then and the same type of people complaining about them. You won't find too many folks from S10, 17 & 11 going out of their way to integrate with the indigenous inhabitants of S5, 4 or 2 either.


How many immigrants do you see at a football match, i could probably count on 1 hand how many go to Hillsborough.

Im not saying its good or owt buts it's a fact, and so obvious to the open mind.


Have you ever wondered why? I'm a Unitedite but frankly wouldn't go to a football match in the 70s & 80s because of the vile abuse myself and family would receive from the sort of idiots who would tar all dark faces with the same brush, if you can pardon the pun.


Have you forgotten the bananas that white people used to throw at black players trying to do their job on the field of play? Before you start blaming immigrants for everything, you should have a cold, hard look at the behaviour of some members of the indigenous community at the same time.

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my bold

I am not picking and choosing anything mel, there are police powers which are used against football fans, that could have been used against the 'poppy burners' ! Why not use them ?

im sure some HAVE been arrested as some have been arrested on previous protests (remember the outcry about protests in the court?)

the thing is whats illegal? is it illegal to burn some poppies? offensive yes, illegal?

same as is it illegal to shout things such as soldiers go to hell? or soldiers are murderers?

as i said just because YOU dont like it doesnt mean its illegal or even wrong

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I'm not trying to twist anything, I'm a 2nd generation immigrant so I'm in a privileged position to actually know what Im talking about.

Darnall & Firvale are only two areas of Sheffield, ironically in my youth I lived on Skinnerthorpe Road for a time, nearly 50 years ago, was mainly Afro Caribbean faces then and the same type of people complaining about them. You won't find too many folks from S10, 17 & 11 going out of their way to integrate with the indigenous inhabitants of S5, 4 or 2 either.




Have you ever wondered why? I'm a Unitedite but frankly wouldn't go to a football match in the 70s & 80s because of the vile abuse myself and family would receive from the sort of idiots who would tar all dark faces with the same brush, if you can pardon the pun.


Have you forgotten the bananas that white people used to throw at black players trying to do their job on the field of play? Before you start blaming immigrants for everything, you should have a cold, hard look at the behaviour of some members of the indigenous community at the same time.


Im not arguing the fact that black people have had it rough in the past, ive been with a mixed race girl for near on ten years.

What im trying to say is no one mixes with each other, that can't be healthy for the countries future, as you so rightly pointed out it was harsh in years gone by, but have things really changed?

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my bold

I am not picking and choosing anything mel, there are police powers which are used against football fans, that could have been used against the 'poppy burners' ! Why not use them ?


They were, they were arrested and have been bailed pending the outcome of enquiries.

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Well, really, they're a bunch of deluded losers. They've had their 15 minutes and I for one won't be losing any sleep over it. You have to choose which battles to fight in life and this ain't one of them.


Blimey it's hard work on here at times, not everyone will have that opinion in fact millions won't.

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