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What do people of south yorkshire think

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I accept your post without argument. But I did not see any arrests personally. On another track, what odds will you give that these filth will walk free, with no charges brought against them.





same as nick griffin etc when they were last arrested?

thing is is what they have done a criminal offence that can be tried? just because you dont like what they said DOESNT make it illegal

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I was told by a young white male, with a degree, that he was not accepted to join the police because "they had to take on ethnic minority ". This is a joke, thats being racist to their own, why oh why does this country keep lying down to those that want to kill us


Thats probably untrue because they don't give such grounds for non admittance. Pass or fail.

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On another track, what odds will you give that these filth will walk free, with no charges brought against them.






Relating to another incident, this should cheer your soul.




Incidentally, have you commented on the Celtic fans who had their own anti poppy hissy fit?



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Relating to another incident, this should cheer your soul.




Incidentally, have you commented on the Celtic fans who had their own anti poppy hissy fit?




thats it muddy the water with the irish related terrorists will you?


and im offended theres a special "scottish" sun, why cant they have the sun like the rest of us TCH!!!

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Relating to another incident, this should cheer your soul.




Incidentally, have you commented on the Celtic fans who had their own anti poppy hissy fit?





Let me nail my colours to the mast boyfriday. I did not and do not support the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. To me, both are illegal and Bliar and his cabinet should be tried for crimes against humanity at least. Mass murder would probably be a better charge.


As for the Celtic debacle as I am actualy half Jock (mother was a jock) I am disgusted with those that would defile our dead soldiers memories in any way. That said, did they burn any poppies as our muslim friends did. If so, then I draw no lines in the sand, then they are every bit as much scum and filth in my mind as the muslim poppy burners. Many thousands of our soldiers have given the ULTIMATE sacrifice for this Country of ours - their life. I will defend them to my last breath. They died so I could live. No more to say on the subject to be honest.





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Let me nail my colours to the mast boyfriday. I did not and do not support the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. To me, both are illegal and Bliar and his cabinet should be tried for crimes against humanity at least. Mass murder would probably be a better charge.


As for the Celtic debacle as I am actualy half Jock (mother was a jock) I am disgusted with those that would defile our dead soldiers memories in any way. That said, did they burn any poppies as our muslim friends did. If so, then I draw no lines in the sand, then they are every bit as much scum and filth in my mind as the muslim poppy burners. Many thousands of our soldiers have given the ULTIMATE sacrifice for this Country of ours - their life. I will defend them to my last breath. They died so I could live. No more to say on the subject to be honest.






I don't think you need to do any nailing of any colours to any mast, as your views are more than obvious.


WRT the Celtic demonstration, there were a darn sight more protagonists protesting, and comments on their banners which were just as offensive/ inflammatory as the remarks from the dozen or so idiots burning the poppies.

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Which country are you taking about?......england


Who are 'they' ....muslims


where do they come from? .....were do you think


Did you know it wasn't just British people who volunteered to serve in our armed services during WWII and it's still very much the case now? ... yes i did know this


and why did they burn the poppy then answer that

Incitement..oops sorry folks I forgot its us racists that have that unique ability(I put racists because I know its easier for some to believe in that word rather than hard ones like patriots,funny you would have thought p coming before r they would have covered that,they all must have had the same day off);)

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Incitement..oops sorry folks I forgot its us racists that have that unique ability(I put racists because I know its easier for some to believe in that word rather than hard ones like patriots,funny you would have thought p coming before r they would have covered that,they all must have had the same day off);)


Come off it Noddy, the faux persecution complex doesn't cut any mustard any more.


Let me put you out of your misery. Im black, a patriot (I love Sheffield), and a racist (in that like most people I can make negative, knee jerk judgements about people based on their race), so you have my permission to get over it ;)

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thats it muddy the water with the irish related terrorists will you?


and im offended theres a special "scottish" sun, why cant they have the sun like the rest of us TCH!!!


You should see what the Jamaica Gleaner has to say mel, they blame everything on Trinidadians :hihi:

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As for the Celtic debacle as I am actualy half Jock (mother was a jock) I am disgusted with those that would defile our dead soldiers memories in any way. That said, did they burn any poppies as our muslim friends did. If so, then I draw no lines in the sand, then they are every bit as much scum and filth in my mind as the muslim poppy burners. Many thousands of our soldiers have given the ULTIMATE sacrifice for this Country of ours - their life. I will defend them to my last breath. They died so I could live. No more to say on the subject to be honest.






Although the Celts didn't burn any poppies, their protest was visible and anti British Army, Muslims who've done this previously have been featured relentlessly on the news loops, however a similar number of white, British 'Christians' in this instance hardly feature at all.


So it's my belief that people are simply using the poppy burning as an excuse to justify their dislike of Muslims, they're delighted that two dozen Islamists have given them the opportunity to do so.

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