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What do people of south yorkshire think

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I've seen a lot of stuff like this on fbook, has anyone actually seen anyone burn poppies?! I think it's mainly made up stuff that comes round every year. I think it's a bit harsh.


..to be fair there was photographic evidence of these idiots doing it



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What do people of south yorkshire think of people, well muslim's not all of them just a select stupid few burning poppies, I have a question if there is good muslims why don't they anti-protest like whites do against EDL and BNP. Please answer me that please people :)


Maybe it's because Muslims are often wrongly labelled as one large homogeneous group with the same views, interests, prejudices, values and political outlook?

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Maybe it's because Muslims are often wrongly labelled as one large homogeneous group with the same views, interests, prejudices, values and political outlook?


Are they wrongly labelled though? Maybe they daren't be anything else. Islam isn't exactly the most tolerant of religions.

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Are they wrongly labelled though? Maybe they daren't be anything else. Islam isn't exactly the most tolerant of religions.


Nor is Christianity or Judaeism but we all know Jews and Christians with personalities as diverse as atheists or anyone else for that matter.

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Are they wrongly labelled though? Maybe they daren't be anything else. Islam isn't exactly the most tolerant of religions.


Of course they are, for examples wars have been fought over the interpretation of Islam. There is no such thing as a single entity known as Islam, just as there isn't a single entity that encapsulates Man Utd fans, Blondes, Americans and communists.

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Perhaps that’s what’s wrong with Britain today; no one speaks up against the injustices that are being forced upon us.

Asylum seekers (Not Muslims) who commit serious crime in Britain and being allowed to stay is wrong, if their country is not safe for them, why come over here and make this country unsafe for the rest of us. I would deport any Asylum seeker who commits a serious crime, and for the more minor crimes it would be “Three strikes and your out” no matter what the consequences are for them when they get back home.


You can only push people so far, some people who eventually flip get labelled as violent schizophrenics. Everyone flips eventually, how long is a piece of string and all that.


What do you consider your signature means chem1st?

It can be taken in at least two ways, and one of them is an Incitement to war, the other being just a statement saying that without Social Community’s and Society in general we would all be at war with each other.




I show in the first place that the state of men without civil society (which state may be called the state of nature) is nothing but a war of all against all; and that in that war, all have a right to all things.


It's a verbal demonstration of the equilibrium that exists between man.


One which is currently out of balance.

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The world map will soon be printed, having Britain portrayed with a big pink bow over it.


We are far too soft here, but its our own fault, no one sticks together anymore, just back stabs each other. IMHO The muslims are not helping themselves, eventually something will break out in this country, Enoch Powell was quite wise with his predictions I think.

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You can only push people so far, some people who eventually flip get labelled as violent schizophrenics. Everyone flips eventually, how long is a piece of string and all that.




It's a verbal demonstration of the equilibrium that exists between man.


One which is currently out of balance.


you ask the low waged just how fair it is.


Our right's are being diminished day by day and we don't resist. I was brought up to think the french let us down in ww2 because they were scared of fighting - Don't believe it now - they have more gut's than we do, 62 they want their pention age to go up to, and they don't like it, our's will very soon be work till you DIE.

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What do people of south yorkshire think of people, well muslim's not all of them just a select stupid few burning poppies, I have a question if there is good muslims why don't they anti-protest like whites do against EDL and BNP. Please answer me that please people :)


far as im concerned if muslims dont like our country or our belives and traditions then bog of back home simples

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