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What do people of south yorkshire think

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you ask the low waged just how fair it is.


Our right's are being diminished day by day and we don't resist. I was brought up to think the french let us down in ww2 because they were scared of fighting - Don't believe it now - they have more gut's than we do, 62 they want their pention age to go up to, and they don't like it, our's will very soon be work till you DIE.


Not very fair at all.


The inequality in the UK is a disgrace.


For the low waged, the incentive to become unemployed has grown year on year, every year for a while.


Even when jobs were plentiful.


The welfare state stays roughly the same and low wages becomes less. Some say the welfare state is becoming to generous, but they are very wrong, it is becoming relatively generous whilst the low paid are being robbed via inflation and the rich profiting from it.


The methods used are odius.

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Not very fair at all.


The inequality in the UK is a disgrace.


For the low waged, the incentive to become unemployed has grown year on year, every year for a while.


Even when jobs were plentiful.


The welfare state stays roughly the same and low wages becomes less. Some say the welfare state is becoming to generous, but they are very wrong, it is becoming relatively generous whilst the low paid are being robbed via inflation and the rich profiting from it.


The methods used are odius.


£65.00 a week (unemployed), If you can live on that you deserve to be in charge our debt. Min wage - £240.00 quid a week minus tax, NI, etc - no wonder this country is in such a hole. Prices aint going up by 3p or 6p there going up by 20% 30% -------- Revelution is on it's way.

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£65.00 a week (unemployed), If you can live on that you deserve to be in charge our debt. Min wage - £240.00 quid a week minus tax, NI, etc - no wonder this country is in such a hole. Prices aint going up by 3p or 6p there going up by 20% 30% -------- Revelution is on it's way.


You have to factor in the other things.


Tax/NI turns you nmw into £200


Dole is still 65/52.


Rent. Housing benefit and - (60,90?)


Council tax, 15, council tax benefit albeit it in the form of a rebate issued by state to itself on behalf of the citizen, 15.


Then you have travel costs.


If you ask me, low wage workers should get beer vouchers or something of that sort. Like a food voucher system, but one that applies discounts to 'luxury goods', rather than something that can be sold to shoppers or exchanged with ease like the azure card.

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What about those who struggle with the traditional Queen's English, where should they go?


Na, It's not, or at least I'm not about speaking English, though it would be nice, and I think it;s now, by the powers that be, a restrictions on entrance to this country.

I don't mind Who comes into this country, or what religeon they practice, but don't expect us to bend over backwards for you,

If Christianity can't come to your country don't expect us to embrace your faith.

To many places reject our Church, yet expect us to allow their church in our country.

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Maybe here?:D


"Every child needs a dictionary, says a proper professor from a proper university and everything. The result is moderately predictable, but it might just make you feel slightly better about people who left the UK and claim that everyone and everything is awesome down under. Apparently it’s stuffed full of exactly the same people as the place you left. Who would have thought it?"


Love it! :hihi:

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Na, It's not, or at least I'm not about speaking English, though it would be nice, and I think it;s now, by the powers that be, a restrictions on entrance to this country.
I was really thinking of the indigenous who find it difficult to effectively use their mother tongue.


If Christianity can't come to your country don't expect us to embrace your faith.

To many places reject our Church, yet expect us to allow their church in our country.


Which countries are you thinking of? I can't think of many.

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its easy Respect the country you live in if i was in there country i would be stoned to death for doing the same as they did if i stole something i would have my fingers cut off if i raped a woman i would be put to death , what happens here nothing now there is something wrong here it used to classed as treason at 1 time our lads are over seas some dnt come back some gave there lives so we can walk the streets with out getting mugged but no it still happens if i did the same to the poppy and had my pic taken i would be held responsible and sent down if not made to do comunity work , but these nut cases are allowed to get away with it all .my grandad was in ww2 thank god he came home let us not forget we are a island they came over here wanting our money our work but they will not show repsect to our brave lads so i say catch them deport them, it was on news today the lad that threw the fire exstingsher after the police went through a lot of cctv footage they got him so come on they can do the same to these guys find em throw the book at em and chuck em out

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