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What do people of south yorkshire think

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its easy Respect the country you live in if i was in there country i would be stoned to death for doing the same as they did if i stole something i would have my fingers cut off if i raped a woman i would be put to death , what happens here nothing now there is something wrong here it used to classed as treason at 1 time our lads are over seas some dnt come back some gave there lives so we can walk the streets with out getting mugged but no it still happens if i did the same to the poppy and had my pic taken i would be held responsible and sent down if not made to do comunity work , but these nut cases are allowed to get away with it all .my grandad was in ww2 thank god he came home let us not forget we are a island they came over here wanting our money our work but they will not show repsect to our brave lads so i say catch them deport them, it was on news today the lad that threw the fire exstingsher after the police went through a lot of cctv footage they got him so come on they can do the same to these guys find em throw the book at em and chuck em out


Which country are you taking about? Who are 'they' and where do they come from?


Did you know it wasn't just British people who volunteered to serve in our armed services during WWII and it's still very much the case now?

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The world map will soon be printed, having Britain portrayed with a big pink bow over it.


We are far too soft here, but its our own fault, no one sticks together anymore, just back stabs each other. IMHO The muslims are not helping themselves, eventually something will break out in this country, Enoch Powell was quite wise with his predictions I think.




It's interesting how you mention Britain having a great big pink bow on it. If you look at the world map as it is now, you will see many parts of the world 'belong' to Britain as our forebears marched into their countries and took them over. Now the boot's on the other foot we don't like it do we?

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Which country are you taking about?......england


Who are 'they' ....muslims


where do they come from? .....were do you think


Did you know it wasn't just British people who volunteered to serve in our armed services during WWII and it's still very much the case now? ... yes i did know this


and why did they burn the poppy then answer that

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Which country are you taking about?......england
Sorry I wasn't clear, I meant what did you mean by 'their country'?


Who are 'they' ....muslims

Do they all come from the same place?

where do they come from? .....were do you think

There are Muslims in every country in the world, that's why I asked the question. I didn't understand your point.

Did you know it wasn't just British people who volunteered to serve in our armed services during WWII and it's still very much the case now? ... yes i did know this


and why did they burn the poppy then answer that


Do you believe every Englishman/woman you encounter has the same personality as you?


Would you think it was fair if you were vilified when you were abroad just for being British because England football fans have a reputation for rioting?


The Muslims burning the poppy numbered about 40, at the last count there were about a million Muslims in Britain, and as far as I know there were no other incidents of poppy burning involving them, so statistically it doesn't say a great deal.

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Which country are you taking about?......england


Who are 'they' ....muslims


where do they come from? .....were do you think


Did you know it wasn't just British people who volunteered to serve in our armed services during WWII and it's still very much the case now? ... yes i did know this


and why did they burn the poppy then answer that


"They who burned the poppies" are not spokespeople for all things Muslim you know, they were a few idiots nothing more. Were the British and Irish people who were so outraged that they arranged a protest because their football team had an emblem of a poppy on their shirt representing you?


No they weren't, they are an idiotic minority. Nothing more.

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RESPECT - as the poster said before - We have had enough of all this nonsence - Respect me, and I'll respect you, but don't think you'll convert me to any other religeon except C of E


Well you can relax because the last time a religious zealot knocked on my front door they certainly weren't Muslims :thumbsup:

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its easy Respect the country you live in if i was in there country i would be stoned to death for doing the same as they did if i stole something i would have my fingers cut off if i raped a woman i would be put to death , what happens here nothing now there is something wrong here it used to classed as treason at 1 time our lads are over seas some dnt come back some gave there lives so we can walk the streets with out getting mugged but no it still happens if i did the same to the poppy and had my pic taken i would be held responsible and sent down if not made to do comunity work , but these nut cases are allowed to get away with it all .my grandad was in ww2 thank god he came home let us not forget we are a island they came over here wanting our money our work but they will not show repsect to our brave lads so i say catch them deport them, it was on news today the lad that threw the fire exstingsher after the police went through a lot of cctv footage they got him so come on they can do the same to these guys find em throw the book at em and chuck em out


At one time our grandfathers went overseas to defend our way of life. Freedom of speech is part of this. I don't agree with the - quite frankly - ridiculous burning of the poppy, where some half ars fanatic and a couple of his mates (as that is what it looked like on the news), stomped about and shouted a bit for the benefit of the cameras, but freedom of speech and the right to an opinion is still valid even if you don't agree with what is being said.

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RESPECT - as the poster said before - We have had enough of all this nonsence - Respect me, and I'll respect you, but don't think you'll convert me to any other religeon except C of E


I'll let you in on a little secret:-



Shhh! You know, no-one's actually expecting you to convert to anything/ believe anything you don't want to. Shhh! .

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