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What do people of south yorkshire think

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Would you ever see this in an English newspaper ?, the guy even signed it

Sincere ?

Brave ,yes


I see it all the time in the Broadsheets and on Radio 4 but the last time I referenced something from Radio 4 where the head honchos of Islam condemned terrorism I was told that "nobody listens to Radio 4 so what's the point?".

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You'd never see it popps because the British media have no interest in covering statements like that.


If you visit the the website of the Muslim Council of Britain you'll regularly see press releases condemning the more anti social activities of some Muslims.


Here's one from Thursday:


"MCB Statement on Armistice Day Incident


Thursday 11 November 2010

The Muslim Council of Britain (MCB) today condemned the self-serving antics of protestors seeking to cause controversy during Armistice Day commemorations. Similar stunts were displayed by the same group of people in Luton last year.


A spokesperson for the MCB said "This group thrives on controversy and we will do well to ensure we do not grant them the oxygen of publicity they crave. Whilst these are a handful of people claiming to speak on behalf of Muslims, many more Muslims will join fellow Britons in remembering the sacrifice of our Armed Forces."


"The overwhelming majority of British Muslims want nothing to do with such extremists. Like other Britons, Muslims are not opposed to Britain's Armed Forces. Indeed, Muslims have made a deep and historic contribution to this nation's defence, with over 2.5 million serving in the First and Second World Wars. The deaths of those in Afghanistan and other areas of conflicts are not only a concern amongst Muslims, it is shared by other British people, who do not resort to such sensationalist and divisive stunts".


The Muslim Council of Britain yesterday re-launched a special publication, "Remembering the Brave" highlighting the contribution of Muslims in the Armed forces."#




Statements like the above do nothing to sell newspapers and they're not what a lot of the haters want to hear, it would be a miracle if the Daily Mail ever reproduced this.

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What is the story here? A tiny handful of people burned some poppies? Big deal, let them have their protest.


More than a tiny hand of people that I see in the riots, I'm not certain for sure but I haven't seen or heard of any riots in the US like you have over there, Americans get laughed at for being patrioic, but they wouldn't stand for riots like that on any day let alone a Veterans Day, especially here down south, the Rednecks are patriots too :hihi:

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You should respect the country you are in I think america are up themselves a bit but If I was in the usa

1,, I would probably be liking it

and 2,,I should shut up

:) simple as

I am in America, up myself and liking it. Nuff said and I will now shut up:)
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More than a tiny hand of people that I see in the riots, I'm not certain for sure but I haven't seen or heard of any riots in the US like you have over there, Americans get laughed at for being patrioic, but they wouldn't stand for riots like that on any day let alone a Veterans Day, especially here down south, the Rednecks are patriots too :hihi:


What "riots"? A couple of dozen idiots setting fire to a poppy? Hardly need for the national guard and their rubber bullets, eh... ?


Far more people are committing crimes of civil unrest over the deceit we have been fed about Slimy-And-Claggy Cleggy's sudden back-pedal on student fees!

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What "riots"? A couple of dozen idiots setting fire to a poppy? Hardly need for the national guard and their rubber bullets, eh... ?


Far more people are committing crimes of civil unrest over the deceit we have been fed about Slimy-And-Claggy Cleggy's sudden back-pedal on student fees!

I'm not sure Americans are as familiar with rubber bullets as the Northern Irish once were. One of the last incidents I remember where bullets were used in a riot was at Kent State University in Ohio where the bullets were real and cost the lives of four people. It also cost Nixon his presidency, and Agnew his vice presidency in the end. Students haven't done much rioting since.
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I'm not sure Americans are as familiar with rubber bullets as the Northern Irish once were. One of the last incidents I remember where bullets were used in a riot was at Kent State Universityin Ohio where the bullets were real and cost the lives of four people. It also cost Nixon his presidency, and Agnew his vice presidency in the end.


"Rubber Bullets" 1974, 10cc the band singing it....


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More than a tiny hand of people that I see in the riots, I'm not certain for sure but I haven't seen or heard of any riots in the US like you have over there, Americans get laughed at for being patrioic, but they wouldn't stand for riots like that on any day let alone a Veterans Day, especially here down south, the Rednecks are patriots too :hihi:


I think you get the same news feeds my sister sees in Australia. The last time she rang was because there were reports on the national news channels in Australia about the EDL thugs in Bolton and before that it was snow storms in Scotland. The way the foreign, English speaking, press reports our minor hiccups you'd think we were on the verge of civil war or cataclysmic weather break down.

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I'm not sure Americans are as familiar with rubber bullets as the Northern Irish once were. One of the last incidents I remember where bullets were used in a riot was at Kent State University in Ohio where the bullets were real and cost the lives of four people. It also cost Nixon his presidency, and Agnew his vice presidency in the end. Students haven't done much rioting since.


Well, this week we've had students and others who are angry about claggy-cleggy's back-pedal on fees storming Millbank house, where the Tory Party headquarters are.

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