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Lack of bands visiting sheffield


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It's not just the "big" bands either.


I've regulalry seen bands play in Leeds at places like The Brudenell Social club and pull 100-150 through the door, then the next night they play the Grapes and the "crowd" are hardly into double figures.


Next time round, they will just miss us out.

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No wonder, if Sheffield is losing small venues like the Grapes. Surely more small pubs should look at a live music licence if it helps business; if the small venues go, there will be nowhere affordable for local bands to get started.

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Yeh there is a serious lack of touring bands gigging in Sheffield right now. Ive had to travel to Leeds/Mancs/Liverpool to gigs i probably could have seen in Sheffield 2/3 years ago. I wouldnt say its always been that way as ive seen a lot of great bands in Sheffield. Leadmill, Plug etc...


With the exception of local/new bands, and the Arena rubbish nothing seems to be going on....


As far as i can see, people wont buy tickets in advance anymore and are relying on tickets being available on the door, recent events at the Harley etc have had extremely poor ticket sales but are filling the venues through sales on the door. Chromeo were due to play at Plug last thursday, a decent/popular live band yet the gig was cancelled due to poor ticket sales, i have no doubt that if the gig went ahead, the venue would have filled out. With ticket companys adding £2/3 booking fee there's rarely a saving buying a ticket online, might save a £1 or so but id rather not pay seetickets a penny. If venues cant sell tickets...they cant put a deposit on a band...


My theory anyway. ;)

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Ah my bad. I heard from a few people that it was poor ticket sales....really cool that you got to see the actual doctors note though?! Well that was my theory, ive had to pay booking charges through seetickets/ticketmaster for events in Sheffield a few times, must be another reason bands dont come to Sheffield..:confused:

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I don't think the reason is anything to do with ticket sales (though a friend who runs one of Sheffields bigger venues was telling me that in comparision to other cities, Sheffield tends to sell out later, even though final numbers are the same).


I think it's simply down to geography. If a band wants to cover the UK, it makes sense to do Manchester and Leeds, and possibly Nottingham. Sheffield sits in the middle of these so won't seem so attractive.

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