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Sheffield - Changed so much!


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I think the biggest shame is some of the old buildings that have disappeared, especially around west street, west bar and shalesmoor like some of the old works buildings, not the best looking of buildings but history all the same. And some of the old pubs that have gone is just criminal.

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Sheffield has changed over the last 10 years. For the worst?? I think so. Some say the peace gardens is ultra stylish but the Moor is like a building site. Just have a look around I bet you could count over 10 craines building crome and glass Hotels and office blocks. How many Hotels does the town center need? And has anyone seen one of these purple clad Ambassadors anywhere outside the peace gardens, on the housing estates perhaps????

I've lived in Sheffield all my life and I'm feeling a bit of a stranger here now if I'm honest.

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Sheffield has changed over the last 10 years. For the worst?? I think so. Some say the peace gardens is ultra stylish but the Moor is like a building site. Just have a look around I bet you could count over 10 craines building crome and glass Hotels and office blocks. How many Hotels does the town center need? And has anyone seen one of these purple clad Ambassadors anywhere outside the peace gardens, on the housing estates perhaps????

I've lived in Sheffield all my life and I'm feeling a bit of a stranger here now if I'm honest.


Aryan, move away for 40 years like I did and you'll think you're in a foreign country when you return. I still like the Peace Gardens as I used to know them in the 50s and 60s, with lots of flowers and grassy areas, a spot where people who worked downtown ate their mid day lunches. It was a very restful scene among the hustle and bustle of the city centre.

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The peace gardens are a prime example of the council planners short sightedness. The magnificent old town hall over looks the gardens. Behind the gardens are new chrome and glass pre-fabs and sandwich inbetween are the winter gardens totaly obsured from view. These new buildings look very out of place next to the splendor of the old town hall. And I'm sure this sort of architecture will be the egg boxes of the future. While the lack of space becomes apparent these new building are becoming taller and taller and our city will end up looking like a scene from Bladerunner!

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