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Beginning of the end for Clegg

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Nope. That was never on the cards and you know it. Heck, even Osbourne was boasting at the despatch box recently that he will achieve 19% departmental cuts compared to the 20% planned by Darling.


You're like a demented parrot repeating the same keyword phrases over and over. Are you in the cult too?


Pretty sure I saw Osborne's lips move and yes he was lying.

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:huh: [...] I take it that if you stand for election in the future, you will not resort to this kind of tactic again - as you so clearly disapprove of it now.
I've deleted most of the post for brevity, but I think espadrille was saying what I said, anyone who truly believes in a party's manifesto should not behave like a floating voter and vote for another party that they don't agree with, with the sole aim of keeping out another party that they agree even less with. They deserve all they get for betraying their principles. I know I said at one point I was going to vote Conservative, but that was JK, I didn't, although I'm marginally more likely to vote Tory than Labour, though. Hell would freeze over before that ever happens. We ended up with Munn again anyway :help:


Still less should they thrash about, moaning and whining that they were robbed. Still less should they actually have voted for their preferred party and lost, and then try to pretend that they voted otherwise, with the sole aim of trying to prove that the party they pretended to vote for has let them, and everyone else, down. They're unprincipled rogues, but then that's most of the labour party heirarchy for you, the rest are like sheep, easily led! :D


I don't include you in this because I actually believe you're a good egg, you're just in the wrong party! ;)

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Nope. That was never on the cards and you know it. Heck, even Osbourne was boasting at the despatch box recently that he will achieve 19% departmental cuts compared to the 20% planned by Darling.


You're like a demented parrot repeating the same keyword phrases over and over. Are you in the cult too?


Pretty sure I saw Osborne's lips move and yes he was lying.


"Tory cuts versus Labour investment"


What do Labour actually think? Is it cuts? Is it investment? Is it more than the Coalition? Is it less? Forgive us for being confused and not feeling able to trust them.

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I've deleted most of the post for brevity, but I think espadrille was saying what I said, anyone who truly believes in a party's manifesto should not behave like a floating voter and vote for another party that they don't agree with, with the sole aim of keeping out another party that they agree even less with. They deserve all they get for betraying their principles. I know I said at one point I was going to vote Conservative, but that was JK, I didn't, although I'm marginally more likely to vote Tory than Labour, though. Hell would freeze over before that ever happens. We ended up with Munn again anyway :help:


Still less should they thrash about, moaning and whining that they were robbed. Still less should they actually have voted for their preferred party and lost, and then try to pretend that they voted otherwise, with the sole aim of trying to prove that the party they pretended to vote for has let them, and everyone else, down. They're unprincipled rogues, but then that's most of the labour party heirarchy for you, the rest are like sheep, easily led! :D


I don't include you in this because I actually believe you're a good egg, you're just in the wrong party! ;)


Here we go again with the crystal ball.


Because you think that you know what Espadrille thinks you pass everyones posts off as insignificant.


This condescending attitude can be really galling,and the way you are able to dismiss other contributions as trivia shows a distinct lack of fairness and understanding.


It seems to me that you cannot see any viewpoint that may be seen left as yours as worthwhile.


I found Red Robbos post to be most informative indeed.

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I think that people who weren't even born at the time, talking about something that happened 30 years ago as though it happened last week, and not having moved on in all that time is strange. I have to class it as some sort of an obsession, I'm afraid.

I wasn't implying that they really voted LibDem, or even sympathised with Liberal Democrat ideals. I was implying that they voted labour as usual, but were pretending to have voted LibDem so as to be seen to have some credibility when posting against them.


Who are these people and pray tell how you know they weren't born at the time.?

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Here we go again with the crystal ball.

Because you think that you know what Espadrille thinks you pass everyones posts off as insignificant

This condescending attitude can be really galling,and the way you are able to dismiss other contributions as trivia shows a distinct lack of fairness and understanding.

It seems to me that you cannot see any viewpoint that may be seen left as yours as worthwhile.

I found Red Robbos post to be most informative indeed.

Oh, get over yourself! Condescending, me? Sort out the beam in your own eye instead of trying to find the mote in mine. :)


I don't find labour supporters contributions insignificant, just mistaken. I can't see any good in labour, that's true, but they are hardly to the left of anyone these days. Your own attitude is typical, you don't really take anything on board that anyone else thinks, because you're so busy trying to prove you're right.


Anyway, I'm off to work now, so have a nice day, won't you :)

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Oh, get over yourself! Condescending, me? Sort out the beam in your own eye instead of trying to find the mote in mine. :)


I don't find labour supporters contributions insignificant, just mistaken. I can't see any good in labour, that's true, but they are hardly to the left of anyone these days. Your own attitude is typical, you don't really take anything on board that anyone else thinks, because you're so busy trying to prove you're right.


Anyway, I'm off to work now, so have a nice day, won't you :)


Have a nice day Rubes.

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