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Beginning of the end for Clegg

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Exactly what have the Tories compromised on? Serious question.


Where's that Mansion Tax that Cleggy promised (and Cameron didn't want) ?


And where's that amnesty for illegal immigrants that Cleggy was going to allow ?*


I regularly see that Lib Dem half of the ConDem coalition is capitulating compromsing on many things, including pre-election promises and their principles but I don't see the Tories compromising on owt :|




EDIT: *I'm not in favour of the amnesty at all but Cleggy did promise it.


* put back plans to raise the inheritance tax thresholds to £1m.

* agreed to spend more money to cut class sizes for disadvantaged pupils.

* raise the point at which people start paying tax to £10,000,

* referendum on the voting system and the introduction of fixed-term Parliaments.

* Differed the Tory pledge to retain trident.

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Probably the thick ones that voted Lib Dem to 'send Labour a message'. Well, they got what they voted for, but not what they wanted, and they've been in lip blubbering tantrum mode ever since.


The thick ones are those who pretend to be disgruntled Lib Dem supporters but are later found out to be Labour voters.


The group in any number that is continually complaining about Lib Dem policies are Labour supporters. Just look at the number of threads started about the end of the Lib Dems by Labour supporters.

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After 13 years of Princess Tony and Gordon The Moron, I quite like the idea of two parties working together in the national interest.


I live in Hallam and have never voted Lib Dem, but I might next time.


There won't be any Lib Dems to vote for at this rate, they are increasingly becoming Tory.

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Speaking as a Lib Dem voter I felt that Tuition fees were one of the main Lib Dem policies. A policy which won them a heck of alot of votes.


They should have fought to the death the keep their pledge.


They'd have died, and tuition fees would be in place anyway since both Labour and the Conservatives were in favour. How would that be an improvement on the current position for Lib-Dem voters?

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After 13 years of Princess Tony and Gordon The Moron, I quite like the idea of two parties working together in the national interest.


I live in Hallam and have never voted Lib Dem, but I might next time.


me too. if we want to look at broken promises we have only to look back at Blair and brown. 'education education education' more jobs created no improvement in kids education. No more 'boom and bust' anybody

say no more

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