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Beginning of the end for Clegg

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Speaking as a Lib Dem voter I felt that Tuition fees were one of the main Lib Dem policies. A policy which won them a heck of alot of votes.


They should have fought to the death the keep their pledge. I didn't see them making much effort at all to negotiate to keep them, indeed this news seems to point to the fact that they were quite willing to give up at the first opportunity.


Odd as you sound more like a tactical Labour voter to me.


Right now i'd probably go back to voting for Labour so long as they fully abandon their 'New Labour' guise. Labour or Greens I suppose, but it's hard to know how i'll feel closer to an election but it probably won't be the Lib Dems.
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Odd as you sound more like a tactical Labour voter to me.


There's little choice where I live apart from Lib Dem or Labour, so a vote for a Lib Dem is hardly 'tactical', but to be honest that is irrelevant.


It was the first time I've voted Lib Dem, and it'll probably be the last.


In regards to the fact that it was a chance to implement Lib Dem policies that's a fair point, but it was/could be a chance to stop another party implementing theirs.

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After 13 years of Princess Tony and Gordon The Moron, I quite like the idea of two parties working together in the national interest.


I live in Hallam and have never voted Lib Dem, but I might next time.



He''ll be really pleased - probably the only vote he'll ever get.

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There's little choice where I live apart from Lib Dem or Labour, so a vote for a Lib Dem is hardly 'tactical', but to be honest that is irrelevant.


You really should stop trying to pretend to be a disgruntled Lib Dem supporter. You have openly acknowledged you are a Labour voter and you voted Lib Dem only tactically.


If you dont beleive me, how about reading your own posts.


I voted Lib Dem (Clegg in fact) partially to keep the Tories out in Hallam, but partially as I liked alot of the things he said. Would I vote for him again?


You are a labour supporter who only voted Lib Dem because you wanted to keep the conservatives out. That's tactical voting by anyone's standard.

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You really should stop trying to pretend to be a disgruntled Lib Dem supporter. You have openly acknowledged you are a Labour voter and you voted Lib Dem only tactically.



He wasn’t on is own thought was he :D


Four out of 10 Liberal Democrat voters would not have backed the party in the May general election if they had known it would enter a coalition with the Conservatives, a poll suggested.



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It is getting quite silly now with the disgruntled so-called LibDem voters, (whom we're all quite aware are really disgruntled labour voters, who for some bizarre reason known only to themselves, betrayed their party and voted for another) still thrashing about and whining because they LOST! It's the same with the media, they keep on about how everyone is feeling betrayed by the LibDems, when in fact, reasonable people aren't.


It's the same with these proposed welfare reforms, they keep trying to tell us that people are against them. But that's not quite true, most people welcome them. The people against them are the hardcore non employed and lazy and the people who make their living by keeping people non employed and lazy, as far as I can see.

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