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Beginning of the end for Clegg

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You tend to trivialise and dismiss events very easily.


Proud individuals,families and communities were left devastated by what you describe as an obsession by some people,by the way you forgot the steelworkers.


Generations of hard working,tax paying law abiding citizens were thrown on to the scrap heap in despair and bewilderment,lots of them may have to spend their lives on handouts, that it you had told them about at the peak of their careers would have made them laugh in your face.


I give you a choice of man to stand in the trenches with you on this Rememberance Sunday.


A Yorkshire Miner or Cllr. Scriven.


A Sheffield Steelworker/Cutler or Nick Clegg.


The choice is yours.


I ask you in all sincerity,please don't trivialise Thatchers contribution towards South Yorkshires downfall and present plight.


Everything can not be blamed on Margaret thatcher. Remember the disastrous strike days under Jim Callaghan and the effect on the public. It got to the stage where Margaret Thatcher had to assert who ruled the country, the government or the unions.

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I don't have superpowers or a crystal ball. I just listen to what the ordinary person in the shop has to say. People who are very political never seem to listen to other people, just one another. They then form the opinion that everyone agrees with them.


As for reading the way people voted, you have to admit that there is a suprising number of 'Liberal Democrat' voters on this forum that previously have made no secret of the fact that they were labour supporters? :huh:


One can extrapolate that to the rest of the country a la the opinion polls. :D


We all listen but obviously move in different circles.


I don't think for a moment that everybody agrees with me but I do believe that enough do to give Clegg the boot when the time comes.


The surprising number of Liberal Democrat voters (previously Labour) on this forum, sound as though they will not vote Lib-Dem again so their new found popularity was short & sweet.


Opinion polls are only as concise as the questions asked but I'll still be very surprised if I'm proved wrong.

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Everything can not be blamed on Margaret thatcher. Remember the disastrous strike days under Jim Callaghan and the effect on the public. It got to the stage where Margaret Thatcher had to assert who ruled the country, the government or the unions.


I never said everything.


I asked not to pass off her contribution just as some working class obsession.

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I never said everything. I asked not to pass off her contribution just as some working class obsession.
I think that people who weren't even born at the time, talking about something that happened 30 years ago as though it happened last week, and not having moved on in all that time is strange. I have to class it as some sort of an obsession, I'm afraid.

The surprising number of Liberal Democrat voters (previously Labour) on this forum, sound as though they will not vote Lib-Dem again so their new found popularity was short & sweet.
I wasn't implying that they really voted LibDem, or even sympathised with Liberal Democrat ideals. I was implying that they voted labour as usual, but were pretending to have voted LibDem so as to be seen to have some credibility when posting against them.
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You really should stop trying to pretend to be a disgruntled Lib Dem supporter. You have openly acknowledged you are a Labour voter and you voted Lib Dem only tactically.


If you dont beleive me, how about reading your own posts.


You are a labour supporter who only voted Lib Dem because you wanted to keep the conservatives out. That's tactical voting by anyone's standard.


True it was the first time i've ever voted Lib Dem, however in fact it was the first time ever i've been able to vote in a general election.


Not quite sure how voting Lib Dem in Central Ward helps 'keep the conservatives out' when they only got 10% of the vote. :loopy:

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Everything can not be blamed on Margaret thatcher. Remember the disastrous strike days under Jim Callaghan and the effect on the public. It got to the stage where Margaret Thatcher had to assert who ruled the country, the government or the unions.


The current political, financial, socio-economic landcape in the UK was shaped by Thatcher.


Major, Blair, Brown (certainly as chancellor), Cameron and Clegg politically are/were all Thatcher's children. The 80s for better or worse was a real departure from what went before and there has been no radical departure from what she started. Brown tried it as PM and was burned at the political stake. Obama is suffering a similar fate for daring to deviate from the general political landscape mapped out by Reagan in the 80s.

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I recall Nick Clegg on the pre election leaders debates and remember how impressive he was.

He is getting a lot of criticism at the moment but it has to be remembered that in a coalition compromises have to be made otherwise it would be unworkable.

I think Nick Clegg will become an excellent politician and probably leader of the country.



Also pigs will fly and Anne Widdicombe will win Miss World !!!!!

Cleggy is an accomplished liar and fools no-one [only you] :rolleyes:

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They also faced a very biased constituency set-up. Labour have performed strongly in areas where constituencies are small, and the Tories in areas where they are large. If the constituencies were all of equal size, the Tories would have had a comfortable working majority.


By equal size do you mean measured in square miles or measured by the numbers of heads of population?? We all know the Tories win in areas where sheep and chickens outnumber the electorate.

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By equal size do you mean measured in square miles or measured by the numbers of heads of population?? We all know the Tories win in areas where sheep and chickens outnumber are the electorate.


Fixed for you:).

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