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Fasten Your Seat Belt: Europe Collapse has begun

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posts #5, I am an anti-EU activest, and supported my arguments on number of sites, especially within the MSN political forum. When I joined that forum, it was largely controled by europhiles. Note I said WAS. The europhile arguments were all exposed and shot down in flames one-by-one by me and others. Try supporting the EU and euro within that forum. I would like to see how long you last. Further, never mind what is stated within the news and press, what do you see on the street?


Post #6, you support there is a link between smoking and cancer, and you cannot support that argument other than relying on what is said on NHS sites and cigerette packets. There was a study on it, and that too was included within the evidence submitted before Scotish court. Note peope smoking had decreased, but lung cancer had increased not to mention there is a larger population of non-smokers getting lung cancer than smokers. By argument could not be more clear. There is no evidence that smoking causes cancer, and the research supports that position. Note, lets keep that debate to thread on that issue.


well Pheonix One, at least you are consistent, in that your views on smoking and on the EU both abound with errors of fact and logic. Congratulations for being able to cram so many non sequiturs into a single post. As for winning the arguments about the EU on this forum, I suggest you revisit some of the previous threads on the subject. I am still awaiting a reply to my post pointing out some glaring factual errors you made about the UK's contribution to the EU budget

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Britain's Trillion Pound Horror Story


Britain's Trillion Pound Horror Story


Britain's Trillion Pound Horror Story


Britain's Trillion Pound Horror Story


Last night the TPA's Director, Matthew Sinclair, appeared in a powerful Channel 4 documentary by Martin Durkin (of The Great Global Warming Swindle) about the state of the country's finances. Allister Heath, Editor of City AM and the chair of the 2020 Tax Commission that the TPA is in the process of establishing (we'll have more news on the Commission soon), also gave his views.


This is how Channel 4 describe the programme:


"Film maker Martin Durkin explains the full extent of the financial mess we are in: an estimated £4.8 trillion of national debt and counting. It's so big that even if every home in the UK was sold it wouldn't raise enough cash to pay it off.


Durkin argues that to put Britain back on track we need to radically rethink the role of the state, stop politicians spending money in our name and introduce, among other measures, flat taxes to make Britain's economy boom again.


This polemical film presented by Martin Durkin, brings economic theory to life and makes it hit home. It includes interviews with academics, economic experts, entrepreneurs, no less than four ex-Chancellors of the Exchequer and the biggest stack of £50 notes you'll never see."


If you didn't catch it, you can watch it by CLICKING HERE. And do keep an eye out for our very own Debt Clock Truck!





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well Pheonix One, at least you are consistent, in that your views on smoking and on the EU both abound with errors of fact and logic. Congratulations for being able to cram so many non sequiturs into a single post. As for winning the arguments about the EU on this forum, I suggest you revisit some of the previous threads on the subject. I am still awaiting a reply to my post pointing out some glaring factual errors you made about the UK's contribution to the EU budget


Taxpayers face £13 billion bailout after Alistair Darling caves in


Alistair Darling has caved in to a demand that British taxpayers underwrite at least £13 billion of debt held by other European governments as EU finance ministers agreed an even bigger bail-out for the euro.


By Bruno Waterfield in Brussels and James Kirkup 2:05AM BST 10 May 2010


The Chancellor, representing Britain until a new government is formed, was forced to participate in a £95billion "stabilisation mechanism" aimed helping European Union countries that face a debt crisis.


The decision followed a crisis meeting in Brussels to discuss the financial turmoil that has raised doubts about the future of the euro.


It exposes the British taxpayer to £9.6 - £13 billion in liabilities should Spain or Portugal go the way of Greece.


read more: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/eu/7703034/Taxpayers-face-13-billion-bailout-after-Alistair-Darling-caves-in.html




There is more, much more. Some of you people are so predictable. :hihi:

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While here:



EU leaders cannot squash expectations of Irish rescue


European leaders made a bid to halt the soaring cost of Ireland's borrowing by jointly denying that plans to make bondholders take a hit in future bailouts would also apply to existing debt.


By Emma Rowley 6:30AM GMT 13 Nov 2010







But the attempt to ease fears that have helped drive yields on Irish government bonds from 6pc to 9pc in just three weeks could not kill talk Ireland was poised for an €80bn (£68bn) bailout as early as this weekend.



Read more: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/8130392/EU-leaders-cannot-squash-expectations-of-Irish-rescue.html

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posts #5, I am an anti-EU activest,


all i did was point out that you were obsessed with the EU and compared you to another resident on here, Tit99, who is equally obsessed with the Coalition


what do you see on the street?


lots of things, though at the minute what i see is the debris left by the half dozen people who have gone to see sheff wed play.

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all i did was point out that you were obsessed with the EU and compared you to another resident on here, Tit99, who is equally obsessed with the Coalition




lots of things, though at the minute what i see is the debris left by the half dozen people who have gone to see sheff wed play.


My loyalty is to UK not any political party, and especially not the EU. But I am still reasonably new to this site, so you can't know that.


With regard latter matter :hihi::hihi::hihi:, we get the same thing here in Swindon, especially when Oxford is playing, at which time the police are out in force.

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