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Why do i feel this way !!

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As the older one of you two, you should apologise to her, as you may not see eye to eye on everything, but you are supposed to be the mature one and do the right thing. I know it will be hard, but you dont want this to go on all your life do you?


Very true. My dad couldn't seem to face up to the fact he was the dad. It sent him nuts and none of us talk to him. He used to always tell us to keep away, so we did. After all, he was the dad in all of it.


You're the dad, be the dad. Your daughter and your family will love you for it.


Face it, if they can put up with you when you're as you say you are then they must love you, and they likely do.


Good luck pal.

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I completely relate to the OP on this....I too have experienced these emotions through a rollercoaster relationship with my teenage boys...not helped by dealing with chronic pain to boot...I shut myself away and had little time for those nearest and dearest...at times I was on a road to self destruction...just doing things completely out of character!!!


I found talking to my doctor and subsequent councillors a massive help...you've taken a brave step by posting...hugs to you and go talk to your doctor...I went on an IAPT program I think you would benefit from it too...it doesn't mean you're weak, even the toughest cookies can crumble when trod on xxx

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, I dont know if this is helpful but I have read a lot of articles on the internet about depression caused by low seratonin levels in the brain. My OH suffers from depression and the symptoms described in these articles described him to a T. (sorry I dont have any to hand to add links as it was last year I was reading up on this). His depression has been leveled by SSRI antidepressants (selective seratonin reuptake inhibitors). It might be worth you googling this type of depression and seeing if it ticks any boxes with your symptoms and then asking your doctor for a trial of SSRIs. It may well be that you have to go through a trial and error period to see what works for you but the most important thing is to keep asking for help until you feel better. Good luck :)

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