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Another "bad driver" thread...

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Is there anyway of reporting someone for dangerous driving and threatening behaviour on the road?


This nasty man aggressively pulled off the roundabout almost into our car next to the petrol station at M'hall about 2:30 pm yesterday, then cut up a bus in the next lane.


I'd have let this go, but it was heavy traffic and as he was stopped in the lane next to us, he wound down his window and made gestures and swore at us, even after his light turned green he remained stationary - we were genuinely concerned that he was going to get out of the car as he was making 'come on then' signs. Fortunately he decided against it as we were staying well put in our car, and he sped off waving two fingers out of his window.


Is there anything at all that can be done to teach him that this sort of behaviour is unnecessary and uncivilised?!

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Because aggressive bullying drivers are far more likely to behave like this when the other driver is a woman (i.e they know there's less chance of retaliation)?


Or because women are the ones who are more likely to make the dangerous maneuvers which result in other people having to react erratically.


See, two sides to every story.

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Or because women are the ones who are more likely to make the dangerous maneuvers which result in other people having to react erratically.


See, two sides to every story.


Whoa! We haven't tested the theory that this affects women more yet.


And anyway, what sort of manoeuvre would justify the sort of response described in the OP?


I'm not a woman, and I've had a similar reaction from another driver as he didn't like the fact that I made a better (and perfectly legal) lane choice than he did and thus got ahead of him. Some people are irrational and have so little self esteem that even the tiniest perceived slight sends them off on one.


Now stop being a troll and go to bed.

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It is, I'm afraid, a problem that's on the increase.


We have in this city some truly terrible drivers who have the "unholy 3" of bad driving - an over estimated belief in their own ability, lack of consideration for other road users and worst of all, outright aggression.


Time for compulsory re-testing every 5/10 years IMO. Hopefully that will remove some of the idiots from the road.

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I wasn't actually driving...it was my MALE friend. Shall we get race involved as well :rolleyes: I don't know how this forum carries on sometimes - the number of trolls seem to outweigh the reasonable people half the time :thumbsup:


My concern comes from the fact that as I was on the side that he stopped at, and he was gesturing directly at me - I personally found it very intimidating and had I been a lone female driver I'd have pooed myself!! I don't want any other person to feel like that - woman OR man!

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