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Will some one help me with my history homework on sheffield blitz


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hi im doing this history thing and i have to pretend to b a german spy living in sheffield n i need help with it coz i dunno were to look for imfo i need to kno names of factories etc etc i went into chat too see if anyone cud help me but they int no one dere so thats a bumma init well plzzzzzzz will sumone elp me dis counts towards my course work so its a big deal cheers all my love jojo mwah xxxxx

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Read through the "History" section of this site - there are some threads there about the blitz and some of our older members memories of the war, which may contain some of the information you need. If not, the library should have some information.


If you type Sheffield Blitz into Google you will find even more information.


I had to do somthing similar whan I was at school, but I just asked my Grandpa who had lived through it. Do you have any elderly relatives who might remember?

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Hiya JoJo, well, if I can understand your dialect ( NOT sheffield). There used to be a large steel works in Sheffield called Firth Browns, where they made munitions and parts for tanks, aircraft etc. The steel works in Sheffield were a 'hot' target for German bombers. The railways were also a good target, such as the Wicker goods yard where most of the stuff made in Sheffield were kept until it was sent by rail to different parts of the country. Best ov luk wiv de homeworks

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Hi JoJo' The german planes took their bearings from the wicker arches so you ccould have your german spy flashing his torch and watching the planes go the wong way. up town and down the moor

he could be knocked over by a tram that went thro the archess at that tme and could haave , if his english was perfeect, worked at the River Don Works where my Dad worked

as a steel worker at the time. The doors were locked when the sirens went so he climbed out of tthe window and waded acrooss the river. I'll leave the rest to you





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  • 11 months later...

One one of the nights of The Blitz - Thursday or Sunday, William Joyce (Lord Haw Haw) came on the wireless and said that Sheffield was to be targetted that night. He said that one of the targets was The Seven Sisters - a nickname given to the seven chimneys at Steel, Peach & Tozer. They missed the lot and got the city centre. I think it was the Sunday night.

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Hiya JoJo, well, if I can understand your dialect ( NOT sheffield). There used to be a large steel works in Sheffield called Firth Browns, where they made munitions and parts for tanks, aircraft etc. The steel works in Sheffield were a 'hot' target for German bombers.

Also Newton Chambers in Chapeltown where Churchill tanks were made during the war.

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