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Smokers in pub and company door ways.

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people need to get a fckin grip!!


if an old lady wanted to smoke and it was torrential rain outstide the pub would u make her stand outside?


pathetic non smoker opinions lol


She could always stay dry and just do without a fag, rather than take the pathetic smoker opinions lol

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I apreciate that I'm acting irrationally - and I'll try this only once, but in the interest of logic, here goes:


I will not go into a restaurant which permits smoking. - My choice.That's the personal bit


I won't go into (or stay in and buy beer in) a smoky pub. - Again, my choice.


I don't run either a pub or a restaurant. - If I did, I would consider the views of my customers (and my potential customers) and after that I would consider the views of the people who drink and eat there. If they are happy to put up with tobacco stink, and if the majority ( or enought to allow me to make a small fortune from them) will put up with it - go ahead!)


I don't live in the UK , I don't have to tolerate your repressive laws. Nor do I wish to deny you the right to make such laws.


Please - pretty please - refrain (in the future) from asking why the people in Europe appear to have a more relaxed attitude to life.


Coud it be that they are less concerned with 'banning' things? - The Brits do seem to like that.


Examples: ... Pmail me and we'll argue.

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Moral high ground.


I know people who had never smoked until they started hanging around with people who did, in places where there was always smoke. With no badgering what so ever, they soon turned into smokers. It is highly addictive.


A daft comparison but what if people started chasing heroin or cannabis in public places, there all mind altering and addictive and those who desire not to be affected should have that right.


Speaking of daft comparisons.....


One is addictive, the other is not.


One can kill you, the other cannot.


One has innumerable medical benefits, the other does not.

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Smoking should be banned in all public spaces. If you want to smoke, do it in your own home.


It's horrible walking down the street and the person in front of you is smoking.


It's horrible waiting for a bus and the person next to you is smoking.


It's horrible been anywhere when you suddenly inhale a mouthful of someone's cancer smoke.


I don’t encroach on their space with what I do, why should it be acceptable for them to do so with me?

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What I don't get is the double standards of people .... I don't agree with the smoking ban but it's the Law so I abide (reluctantly). The Chancellor's worse off cos my pub visits have plummeted in the last 3 years.

Anyhow, if I lit up in a pub there would be uproar and I'd get fined and a criminal record yet this morning (as every morning) I see people, in the rush hour, driving and using their phones ..... should I take their reg number and/or make a 'citizen's arrest'? Be a 'have-a-go-hero' and ram them off the road as they were committing a criminal act? :suspect:

Or would that be considered over the top? :rolleyes:

And if I was walking down the street or in a park with a spliff I'd get a caution yet a cig inside a 'work place' makes me a criminal .... madness.


I think, basically, the blanket ban was too Draconian and we don't have the climate for such a Law ... a bit of leeway and compromise, at the discretion of Landlords at least, should prevail but in this country, with it's pettymindedness, I rather doubt it ....

Few years time and I'll be off to sunnier climes anyway so .... ;)

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The only sense it is supposed to make is that some people are never happy with their lot.

Since the smoking ban, i have never seen anybody smoking within a public enclosed space but have heard more people moan about smoking in other areas than ever before. Back in the summer of last year, i heard a huge row between a pair of couples in a beer garden, about smoking!.. The only place within the pubs grounds that smoking was permitted and the non smokers assumed jurisdiction over the smokers.

Im sure if the day had not been glorious and had been a cold winters evening instead, the non smokers wouldnt have given a rats about the smoking in the beer garden then but because it was a nice day and the non smokers wanted to sit in the beer garden, they wanted the smokers (who dont have a choice to go inside) to stub out so the moral high grounders could have their way.


Mr Squirrel,

You have put it in a nutshell, please excuse the reference.


The none smokers have got their wish and the pubs are smoke free, outside is our domain. I had an argument in July in Inverness at a Pub sat outside having a meal and when I finished had a fag the lady at the next table said and I quote "There is a smoking ban" so I replied politely well go inside where you lot have got what you want, why are you sat outside this is my space.

This is getting stupid. Those that complain drive 4 x 4's and sit outside schools poluting more than the smoker.

Leave us alone and get a life

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Last night I went for a bar meal at the Chequers at Coal Aston. The pub has a long entrace hall that stretches around 20 feet into the bar. On arriving there were 6 smokers in the hallway and we had to push past to get into the pub.

There were also several large signs where the smokers were congregated stating that no smoking was allowed, but this was obviously being ignored by both the smokers and the pub staff.

Correct me if I am wrong here, but isn't that hallway classed as an enclosed public space as it has walls on both sides, doors on both ends and a roof. It just seems strange that the pub is being so lax enforcing the rules as it could result in a very hefty fine. Not only that the smell of smoke was heavy in the hallway and pervaded the dining area. It also gave a pretty poor impression of the place.

This is not just isolated to pubs. Businesses too often have staff smoking in the main entrance giving a very poor impression to visitors and customers. Why do these places not enforce the rules?


You have a very acidic outlook on smokers I would think I was safe in saying you are not a smoker. You and your brigade got what you wanted is it not time to let go now.

What next Drivers, Unemployed, Single Parents grow up this is the real world, and before you ask I am not any of the above.

Take your soapbox to the tip

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But my visits have increased dramatically! :)


Actually there are far more licenced premises now than there were before the smoking ban came into force. Not only that there is far more room for customers now that the pavements outside are used as well.

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