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Smokers in pub and company door ways.

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I think thats quite a rich statement considering i am the only one on this thread so far to offer up a theory alternative to the 'copy/paste' google reports offered up by the anti smoking police.


All of the quote.

You also assume that everyone who objects to the anti smoking whingers is a smoker.... I quit earlier this year and my posts can be found on the Champix thread of this forum. I also happen to prefer smoke free pubs (and other public places) for the reasons others have stated. However, i do object strongly to the incessant moaning and vilification of smokers by the Anti smoking whingers.

The anti smoking lot have gotten their will, smoking is banned from indoor areas of public places and without much objection at all, smokers have taken their filthy habit outside into the cold and rain... Still the anti smoking bores are complaining of having to walk past smokers in the street and around doorways, i have witnessed non smokers harassing smokers in a beer garden in the summer and have heard of non smokers complaining that the smell from smokers smoking out of the way around by the bins, 'wafts' through the open windows - along the corridor - up the stairs - past the bandit - over the pool table and right up their noses while sat in the main bar.

Now we have you guys claiming that its not just passive smoking thats harmful... its 3rd hand smoke and residue from smoke thats harmful and are quite happy to copy/paste more google reports as your 'evidence'... on the other current thread, one of the Anti lot even tried to claim that smokers have attempted to say that smoking was even 'healthy'... what utter rubbish! and conclusive proof that the Anti smoking brigade will stop at no level of whining and false flags in order to get their own way.



I think you will actually find that smoking was banned from enclosed public places because of pressure from health professionals and not any pressure from non smokers.

Regarding 2nd hand and even 3rd hand smoke presenting a danger. Again it is the health professionals that are doing the studies and making the reports. I am not sure what your beef is with people posting links to those reports particularly when there are nutters on this forum who will deny any dangers whatsoever.

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Im a non smoker but find the total ban a nonesense,It would have been more appropriate to have a smoking and a non smoking room with the smoking room having some kind of air con to take the smoke away and stop it from spreading around the building.

It has closed many a pub because of this ban and that isnt a good thing,some of the pubs that have closed were proper old pubs with histories,places where working men and women went to drink after a hard day at work,i personally am sad to see these pubs gone forever.

Its the lack of choice that bothers me,i used to go in smoke filled pubs but that was my choice,as would the choice be to go in the smoking or non smoking side.

pubs have had to change as a result of the ban and now are the food serving,kid filled places we now have,kids dont belong in pubs in my opinion,if you want to take them for a meal then take them to a restaurant,or you would have the choice to take them to a non smoking pub if we had a choice,but we dont do we!!!

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I think you will actually find that smoking was banned from enclosed public places because of pressure from health professionals and not any pressure from non smokers.

Regarding 2nd hand and even 3rd hand smoke presenting a danger. Again it is the health professionals that are doing the studies and making the reports. I am not sure what your beef is with people posting links to those reports particularly when there are nutters on this forum who will deny any dangers whatsoever.


Would you care to point out the posters on this forum who have denied that there is any danger from smoking because I haven't noticed one.

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Would you care to point out the posters on this forum who have denied that there is any danger from smoking because I haven't noticed one.


Perhaps you should have gone to Specsavers.


Despite what the government believe (and the government is usually wrong anyway), no one has yet PROVED that passive smoking is responsible for non smokers getting cancer.




In view of the fact that ALL smokers are also, by definition, passive smokers, who inhale their own passive smoke together with that of other smokers who keep company with them, isn't it rather surprising that any smoker manages to reach the age of 30?


The figures you read regarding passive smoking, are still only an assumption - NO ONE can tell whether a particular cancer has, in fact, been caused simply by passive smoking.




It is often professed that 'Smoking causes Cancer'... in actual fact, it does not. It can (and often) 'facilitates' cancer but cancer itself has long been proven to be a gene deficiency (prevalent in most living organisms - but a gene deficiency nonetheless)

If smoking was a proven cause of the disease, then why do some smokers live well past 100yrs old and die of other causes? surely, if smoking caused cancer, these people would not have lived so long.

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Im a non smoker but find the total ban a nonesense,It would have been more appropriate to have a smoking and a non smoking room with the smoking room having some kind of air con to take the smoke away and stop it from spreading around the building.

It has closed many a pub because of this ban and that isnt a good thing,some of the pubs that have closed were proper old pubs with histories,places where working men and women went to drink after a hard day at work,i personally am sad to see these pubs gone forever.

Its the lack of choice that bothers me,i used to go in smoke filled pubs but that was my choice,as would the choice be to go in the smoking or non smoking side.

pubs have had to change as a result of the ban and now are the food serving,kid filled places we now have,kids dont belong in pubs in my opinion,if you want to take them for a meal then take them to a restaurant,or you would have the choice to take them to a non smoking pub if we had a choice,but we dont do we!!!


I just wonder how much the pharmaceutical companies have made from their stopping smoking aids, and also why haven't there been huge announcements on how much of a drop there has been on new cases of smoking related cancer?

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Perhaps you should have gone to Specsavers.


You stated "smoking" not passive smoking - I HAVE ALWAYS accepted that there are risks to smokers by smoking cigarettes and have said so on this forum.


I DO NOT accept that "passive smoking" is dangerous - the statistics are flawed, as some medical experts agree, and it has never been PROVED that a single case of cancer was, in fact, caused be passive smoking.


Specsavers are not needed therefore - if you wish to attribute quotes to someone, then make it clear whether you are referring to "smoking" or "passive smoking".

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just ban the bloody fags completly problem solved.


Exactly, but the anti-smokers don't like that solution as they know their taxes will rise to make up the shortfall in the governments coffers.


The government and the anti-smoking brigade also know, that they will be left looking very foolish when case of cancer carry on rising into the future and they suddenly realise that it wasn't the smokers to blame.

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Exactly, but the anti-smokers don't like that solution as they know their taxes will rise to make up the shortfall in the governments coffers.


The government and the anti-smoking brigade also know, that they will be left looking very foolish when case of cancer carry on rising into the future and they suddenly realise that it wasn't the smokers to blame.


I think you are clutching at straws there,smoking DOES cause cancer end of.as to rising taxes well you smokers cost the NHS a fortune so probably balances out.;)

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