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Smokers in pub and company door ways.

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the smoking ban lasted only a couple of years in Spain


Same for France (which I mentioned earlier)


I know btw of certain bars in hotels you CAN smoke in legally - in Sheffield!! - there are 2 in Nether Edge, so u can watch footy and smoke INDOORS!!


There's a legal loophole for hotels & hostels (which all pubs - technically - are).

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the smoking ban lasted only a couple of years in Spain, I know btw of certain bars in hotels you CAN smoke in legally - in Sheffield!! - there are 2 in Nether Edge, so u can watch footy and smoke INDOORS!!




If I'm thinking of the same pub it ain't just Silk-Cut they're smoking either!:o

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What about the news that they are transplanting deceased smokers lungs into non-smokers?

What an ironically delightful thought.

Be nice to the next smoker you see - his lung could save your life.

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the smoking ban lasted only a couple of years in Spain, I know btw of certain bars in hotels you CAN smoke in legally - in Sheffield!! - there are 2 in Nether Edge, so u can watch footy and smoke INDOORS!!


The only places where people can legally smoke in hotels and guest houses are designated smoking bedrooms and not bar areas. So if folk are sitting in a bar watching the foot whilst having a fag someone is setting themselves up for a heafty fine and possible withdrawl of the licence. Beyond that even in smoking bedrooms smoking is only permitted by checked in residents.

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I smoke occasionally but am all for the smoking ban, its made places a lot cleaner and better smelling and does actually encourage people to stop smoking which is good for the health system and people in general.

Its been disastrous for pubs and clubs though, maybe it should have been a partial ban (designated smoke areas) rather than a full ban.

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the smoking ban lasted only a couple of years in Spain, I know btw of certain bars in hotels you CAN smoke in legally - in Sheffield!! - there are 2 in Nether Edge, so u can watch footy and smoke INDOORS!!


Apparently, in Spain it's back with a vengeance from Jan 2 2011 covering all bars with no exceptions.

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The almost totalitarian viewpoints here are quite disturbing, whatever happened to compromise?

The sensible compromise regarding the smoking ban would be to have designated smoking rooms within public buildings.. That way, the smokers would not feel quite so discriminated against and would not be 'forced' to go outside in all weathers for a ciggy and non smokers would not have any reason to enter or share these areas (like doorways) with smokers.

The main reason that smoking in public areas was banned had little to do with the 'health' and well being of the public in general and more to do with the litigation culture. Since the late Roy Castle died of 'passive smoking'... many employers/owners of pubic premises have been hit with large claims for ill health due to smoky environments, ill health that has been claimed but not proven to be caused by the smoky environments. This way, if smoking is banned from all public enclosed spaces, claims for ill health from passive smoking cannot be entertained. If peoples health and well being were the governments primary concern, tobacco itself would have been banned outright.

In the 'compromise situation' (designated smoke rooms) then the way employment for people who had to work in these environments could have been solved by simple disclaimers, IE employ people who are willing to sign a disclaimer and work in those areas (Probably smokers themselves) and the problem is solved... the smokers get an inside area to smoke in, the non smokers get smoke free areas and the government/employers/owners are not hit with huge compo claims.


I also think non smokers overlook a large problem despite their objections to smokers and smoky areas... The majority will regularly sit in traffic queues breathing in all sorts of toxins from vehicles and not utter a word of objection yet will sound off alarming if somebody lights a fag within 100 feet of them.

I would be interested to know which is the most harmful, being near a few smokers or sitting on the parkway for several hours a week?

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