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2 minutes too much?

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There was probably some Muslims somewhere burning more poppies, but were just not going to hear about it today.


I'm surprised at Wickes, I use the one in town and the staff seem honourable enough to me.


Also, here on XYZ, I was surprised to hear horns beeping to let people know they'd arrived to pick people up at 11, must have been three within the two minute silence. But this is XYZ and the sight of poppies totalled two from what I saw. Shameful...

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Our walking group stopped for 2 minutes silence at 11am on Friday. Unfortunately we were foiled by a couple walking their dogs, and using a mobile phone, and who decided to say hello to us. They must have thought us very rude for not replying. :(


If you meant Thursday, then I hope they understood at some point. If Friday, then yes...

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