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Parasitic bike pump steals air from car tires


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I think this device is a joke perpetrated on cyclists by motorists. Imagine the look of horror on said cyclist as s/he watches what precious air is in their tyre being sucked into the car tyre due to the lower psi. :hihi:

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At least motorists dont suffer the indignity of wearing attire that makes them look like they have had a botty accident.
1/10 for effort, 0/10 for impact.

I only hope that any cyclist using this apparatus realises that they are endangering the lives of many by reducing a vehicles tyre pressure thus reducing handling/stopping capability of the vehicle. It would be just desserts if the vehicle interfered with actually mangled the cyclist who interfered with it in the first place.... sadly, its likely to be some innocent passer by that cops for it.

Do you really think any cyclist would carry one around with them? You can get really small and lightweight pumps that fit to your bike's frame, so you don't have to make an effort to carry them about and they are always with you. This device would mean you had to remember to take it with you every time you went out and would require you to carry a bag to keep it in. It is also only of use around stationary cars and won't even inflate your tires properly in any case.


I think max has the right idea about it.

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Cyclists are just getting lazy. At one time they would use a bicycle pump, but now I guess that cyclists are just two tyred so do not do that.


I like it that you've joined this forum just to make a lousy pun. :thumbsup: Welcome.

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Or to re-phrase that: 'Cyclists like to sit in your blind spot, and then cry about it when they get run over' :rolleyes:


If I saw a cyclist vandalising my car with that, I would reverse over their head. Not that they would of course as I have locking valve caps.


Would you? :rolleyes:

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Did you also know that cyclists don't need to have 2mm of tread on their tyres like a car does?


Mine bike tyres are as slick as a babies bum and there's nothing that you can do about it! I even ride it like that in the wet.


Haha @ stupid drivers




Hmmmm- i wonder who'll be the stupid one when you've skidded straight under a motorists car??, i've never heard of anyone driving a car getting run over :loopy::loopy:


HaHa @ idiots on bikes- they're softer than cars:thumbsup:

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