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What other forums do you use

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I go to a rather large and popular Physics forum where I actually get to be all sensible and intelligent for a change.

Been using it for about 18 months now and they allow me to be vile on occasion as long as I incorporate string theory into any smut I spew out. I just like to prove to myself that I CAN be sane for extended periods of time (30 seconds) and that I can make an actual post or thread without gibbering like a monkey on crack.

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I use the Macmillan cancer site forum, the humour is 100 times better than on SF. I use Facebook as well to keep in touch with distant friends.

Funny place the Macmillan forum, terminally ill people keeping their sense of humour, having a laugh and enjoying a joke or two WITHOUT flagging posts and getting peoples posts removed or the poster banned.

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I used to go on several, but ended up having to dedicate a good 3 or 4 hours per day to checking forums and posting etc.. now I only use this one... I have no need for others (where as I used to have a need) so don't bother anymore.

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