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Time to exit the EU & ECHR

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The EU has done far more good for us than harm.


EU nationals can come freely into our country for work... we can go freely to theirs for work too!


If we weren't in the EU the trade barriers would be immense and we'd be struggling. We would have great difficulty trading with Germany, France etc and it would be difficult and costly for holiday makers to travel into Europe to some of our favourite holiday destinations. Imagine needing to pay for a visa to go to spain?


A few questions to which I don't know the answers..


Do we export more to Europe than we import? If not then surely Europe would still want to trade with us?


Does Europe impose a tariff (import duty) on goods coming in? If so couldn't we set our own tariff to suit us if we left Europe?


It's not difficult to travel to the USA for a holiday,why would it be to travel to Europe? I wonder how much the European holiday destinations depend on us for the livelihood..? Why would they make it difficult for us to travel there..?

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Ah the 'Freedom Association' is that, that body of right wing loons that Norris McWhirter was in? Say no more!!!


Looks like some of your lot are included, brain dead.


25 Conservative MPs voted No, along with a clutch of DUP MPs and rebel Labour backbenchers

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A few questions to which I don't know the answers..


Do we export more to Europe than we import? If not then surely Europe would still want to trade with us?


Does Europe impose a tariff (import duty) on goods coming in? If so couldn't we set our own tariff to suit us if we left Europe?


It's not difficult to travel to the USA for a holiday,why would it be to travel to Europe? I wonder how much the European holiday destinations depend on us for the livelihood..? Why would they make it difficult for us to travel there..?


These are very good questions the first two will have hard facts and figures, which i don't know and various sources will report different figures. I guess my point is that trade will be more difficult, not impossible but more difficult as there would be more hoops to jump through and the like. Costs would go up, prices would go up and it wouldn't be great for UK businesses.


I agree that the increased immigration poses issues which need addressing before it is too late but i think people are quick to lose sight of the fact that hundreds of thousands if not millions of UK citizens have moved abroad for work, to live/retire etc and if we weren't in the EU it would be much more difficult to do this. Granted it would be more difficult for people to move here too but i'm just looking at it from both sides.


Brits aren't the only people to visit spain, greece etc French, German, Scandiavian, American people probably account for a greater percentage of visitors than the UK does so why should we receive special treatment? It may not make much of a difference but the foreign travel industry in the UK would be impacted to some degree which wouldn't be good for us obviously.

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These are very good questions the first two will have hard facts and figures, which i don't know and various sources will report different figures. I guess my point is that trade will be more difficult, not impossible but more difficult as there would be more hoops to jump through and the like. Costs would go up, prices would go up and it wouldn't be great for UK businesses.


I agree that the increased immigration poses issues which need addressing before it is too late but i think people are quick to lose sight of the fact that hundreds of thousands if not millions of UK citizens have moved abroad for work, to live/retire etc and if we weren't in the EU it would be much more difficult to do this. Granted it would be more difficult for people to move here too but i'm just looking at it from both sides.


Brits aren't the only people to visit spain, greece etc French, German, Scandiavian, American people probably account for a greater percentage of visitors than the UK does so why should we receive special treatment? It may not make much of a difference but the foreign travel industry in the UK would be impacted to some degree which wouldn't be good for us obviously.


If more Americans go to Europe than Brits then it can't much of an imposition for them...why would you think it would be for us?

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The EU has done far more good for us than harm.


EU nationals can come freely into our country for work... we can go freely to theirs for work too!


If we weren't in the EU the trade barriers would be immense and we'd be struggling. We would have great difficulty trading with Germany, France etc and it would be difficult and costly for holiday makers to travel into Europe to some of our favourite holiday destinations. Imagine needing to pay for a visa to go to spain?


Norway, Iceland & Switzerland seem to trade OK with the rest of Europe.

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we as a sovereign nation



If we're ever going to determine our own future as a nation, the only way to do it will be as a sovereign state free of the EU and ECHR.


With the sleeping giants of India and China emerging as big players on the world stage up there with the USA... individual countries like Germany, France and the UK etc, do well to recognise that we will be left behind if we don't pool our talents and become part of something bigger.


I have my reservations about the EU...I'm certainly no "Europhyle", but to the die-hard Euro-sceptics i would say...relax, the UK is one of the "big boys" within the EU..I'll bet French and Polish Euro-sceptics are all frothing about the bloody British meddling in their affairs :cool:

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A bit like that but more brutal.


According to the following press review at least 14,921 people have died since 1988 along the european frontiers. Among them 6,469 were missing in the sea. 10,925 migrants died in the Mediterranean sea, and through the Atlantic Ocean towards Spain, and 1.691 lost their life trying to cross Sahara desert in order to reach Europe




You seem to want immigration more tightly controlled, I am wondering how you think it would be achieved without EU level cooperation and coordination provided by bodies like FRONTEX?

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The 70% is the OECD stat's. http://www.oecd.org/home/0,2987,en_2649_201185_1_1_1_1_1,00.html



Economically a provision of baseline trading benefits is to be encouraged. But the fuse seems to nearly be at an end when it comes to citizens patience with the EU as a body that benefits itself before others.


Quite how all EU governments are cutting budgets when the EU's are increasing is a bit of a mystery to me at the moment. Can anyone explain?


I can't see the quote there. I even ran a search on 70% and the UK and it tells me no documents match.


The fact of the matter is that 75% of UK jobs have been taken by UK citizens before Labour and after.


The figures so far as I can see come from MigrationWatch and the Tabloids and are generated by counting jobs that aren't and were never filled and including people we would not generally consider to be foreign.... like British Citizens or Nick Clegg's children.






The figures given are empty and meaningless propoganda.


Typical of the nonsense they come out with.


This example is even more bizarre...


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