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Bishops House Park Keeper residents


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Hi Heidi

I was really good friends with Zoe at Carfield school. I remember her showing me around Bishops house when we were kids. Oddly enough I had a dream about it the other night which is why I am responding to this thread. I can still remember those old wooden roof beams and how scary it was, for a kid anyway. My name is Terry, maybe she still remembers me, I used to live in the white bungalow just around the corner from Bishops house.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I'm researching 20th century residents of Bishops House. I have residents up to 1911 and know that Harry Ryalls was there still in 1919. I know the last tennants were Peter Samuel Gill and family who left in 1972. I would love to hear from anyone who knows who lived there or had family living there. Any stories about residents. Any photos of them and Bishops House, inside or out.


Hi not sure you stll on this site but I,m Peter,s daughter Trudy who lived in bishops house till i was 10/11 years old have lots of memories and have photo's of inside the house and outside,, Mr and Mrs wattham lived next door but they moved out few years before us,,

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showed this to my husband Ian and he says he can remember moving you when you left the house. Is your dad still alive?


yes he still alive he, still lives in sheffield in gleadless,,yes we went to shirebrook road,,,i did a memoirs for bishos house for people to read when they visit,,,i always go to visit the house,,

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Next time you speak to your Dad could you please give him best wishes from Ian and ask him if he remembers Ian. Ian was the lorry driver who worked with the wood gang. He was a good friend of little Billy (Billy McNaughton).


Oh my god yes I remember billy he is my godparent with my mums sister Jill, he did come visit us in Clacton many years ago, do you still see or hear from him,,, next time I speak to my dad will pass message on,,

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  • 2 years later...

Hi I don't know whether this thread is still active, but I have recently met Mrs Joy Jocelyn who lived in Bishop's House in the late 1920s. She was the granddaughter of Harry and Lucy Ryalls who lived in the house from at least 1891 (according to the censuses) as Harry Ryalls was the park keeper. She is now 95, she lives in Dorset and I met her because my mum lives nearby and delivers library books to her because she can't get out much. I went along and met her and she is really amazing. She has a picture of her grandmother in the doorway of Bishop's house. She also has a painting of Bishops House done by a visitor from Wales who paid to stay there for a week.


Joy and her two brothers (one 8 years older and one 5 years older) went to stay with her grandparents when she was six after her father died. They previously lived at 13 Aisthorpe Road in Woodseats. Her mother (whose name was Charlotte Ellen - don't know surname but actually she was called Dorothy) got a live-in job with Reverend Simpsons at Whalley Range and brought money back every month. Joy's grandfather died after a couple of years so they had to move out but they were give about an extra year before they had to go. Joy originally went to school in Woodseats, then she went to Carfield primary, then the intermediate, she passed the 11+ for secondary but her mother couldn't afford the uniform so I don't think she went.


Joy's mother was born in Bishop's House, in the front bedroom facing (now) onto the main road. She had a brother (Joy's uncle), who got an MM in the First World War, and he had a son (Joy's cousin) who got an honour (not sure if it was an MM) in WW2. Joy stayed friends with the cousin and after her husband died he used to ring her every Sunday morning, also she used to go on holiday with them to White Springs in Wales.


Joy talked about some other people that lived nearby, including the Pearsons who she says lived in the lodge at the beginning of the drive, on the opposite side of the road from Bishop's House, and also across the road she says two sisters had married two brothers, one lived in Thorpe House and one lived in another, and apparently they bought land all round to keep builders out, but as soon as they died builders came in and it became the Thorpe House Estate. She says her Gran went to one of those houses carol-singing once and the lady was stringing some sultanas to put out for the birds, her Gran was shocked because they would only have sultanas on high days and holidays and not waste them on birds!


She also mentions she had a boyfriend who lived next door (this would have been after they moved out of Bishop's House, into a street down the hill, she says it was a sort of cul-de-sac, up from the main road, with a river/stream nearby, and they lived at number 6, I wonder if this is Molloy Street or somewhere like that) called Ernest White whose father was a foreman in the steel business and doing quite well, and when Ernest turned 18 his father bought him a Morris 8 (for £138 ), and he let Joy drive it.


There are some other good stories she told me. She has only been back to visit the house once, which I think must have been a while ago.


Do contact me if you are still exploring this stuff - I can send my email details.



Kate Whittaker

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