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Ellesmere and Burngreave schools Pitsmoor 1954/1965

pitsmoor boy

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Hi everybody, just found this forum and i'm hooked.


Is there anybody out there that lived in Pitsmoor around 1950s to 1965 and went to Ellesmere road junior and Burngreave sec modern.


I lived on Forncett Street. quite close to the "Wembley" playground if anybody remembers it.


One brother Graham (now sadly not with us anymore) he went to high storrs school - cos he was clever, sisters Sylvia, florence (Ann) Rita and of course me Leslie.


People i remember Len Green (was on the buses in Sheff) Stuart Hacket, Craig Sleigh, Ron Fox, Keith Wordsworth, Neville Hiley all lived around the locality.


From school, Robert Booker (now in New Zealand, had email from him once but lost touch) Barry Smith (class smart arse and funny with it), Alan Gill (class bully)

Leslie Redfearn (an old mate) Terry Biggin, Sandra Meads (really fancied her but she fancied Terry Biggin, you know how it is at school !!)


Teachers, Bogy Rogers (music teacher, deputy head and lethal with the cane)

"Nev" Reaney (English teacher and top bloke) Albaha (gruesome bloke)

Metal work teacher ? (big bloke drove a bubble car, who remembers them ?)

Bobby (Robert) Ross, Terry Wrigglesworth.


Some of these i would also know from being in the Boys Brigade (All Saints church top of Sutherland street)


It would nice to know if anyone is still knocking around.


Les Johnson

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Hi Lisalee. Thanks for your message (can't reply directly because you have to have 5 posts before you can do that).

Anyway i'm afraid the names Michael and Kieth Darling don't ring any bells.

I was at Burngreave from the age of 11 (1961 to age 15 (1965) when i left to join the working world.

les Johnson

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