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Fast Food Tax for all?

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Sounds like a reasonable idea but I just wonder what the criteria would be in deciding what was healthy and what was not.


Will butter be classed as less healthy than a polyunsaturated margarine? Would it be based solely on calorific value? Salt content? Sugar content? Is pure sugar better than some chemical substitute?


It would end up as an unworkable fudge.........and they really are unhealthy :D

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Many people claim unhealthy food is cheaper, so if this food is taxed heavily to both pay for the strain on the NHS and to subsidise farmers producing quality food, we will all benefit.


1: ill still have to pay extra for my food (and ill still be on minimum wage)

2: ill still have to buy the food from the farmer subsidised or not

so either way i lose out cos of idiots

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Hell, why not just ban everything thats bad for you? if you cant eat a takeaway on a friday night, smoke a fag when you want and go out for a drink with your friends then whats the point in living in a democratic society.


Good post and very true.

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With the recent announcement that Obesity costs the country as much as Smoking is it time for a fast food tax?


At present we tax cigarettes to the tune of approx. 58% of their cost goes directly to the treasury.


How about adding 50% to the cost of a burger? How about that money goes to subsidise healthy food for the rest of us?


Shouldn't we add 138% or so...

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Many people claim unhealthy food is cheaper, so if this food is taxed heavily to both pay for the strain on the NHS and to subsidise farmers producing quality food, we will all benefit.


You talk crap mate I've seen your posts about Luton Bury Park being a no go area for white people which is total rubbish. As for Bury Park many Polish whites live in the area and have no problems, the racists in Luton are uneducated whites who sit on council estates such as Marsh Farm where you are from jealouse that asians have done better than them. Gypsies and illiterate inbred english chavs are the problem in Luton the Indians Pakistanis Bengalis Blacks and Polish make Luton good and give it a London type atmosphere.


As for this fast food tax crap I think your reasoning behind this is to tax asian takeaways in Bury Park since you got harrassed there and were to scared to do anything about it and have become so frustrated by the event that you have labelled an entire community as racist when you are the real racist.

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Many people claim unhealthy food is cheaper, so if this food is taxed heavily to both pay for the strain on the NHS and to subsidise farmers producing quality food, we will all benefit.


You talk crap mate I've seen your posts about Luton Bury Park being a no go area for white people which is total rubbish. As for Bury Park many Polish whites live in the area and have no problems, the racists in Luton are uneducated whites who sit on council estates such as Marsh Farm where you are from jealouse that asians have done better than them. Gypsies and illiterate inbred english chavs are the problem in Luton the Indians Pakistanis Bengalis Blacks and Polish make Luton good and give it a London type atmosphere.


As for this fast food tax crap I think your reasoning behind this is to tax asian takeaways in Bury Park since you got harrassed there and were to scared to do anything about it and have become so frustrated by the event that you have labelled an entire community as racist when you are the real racist.


Excuse me but how dare u come on here slagging off english white folk!


You're obviously a bitter asian man who cannot take views from other people.

How would you like people on here to call you names?

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With the recent announcement that Obesity costs the country as much as Smoking is it time for a fast food tax?


At present we tax cigarettes to the tune of approx. 58% of their cost goes directly to the treasury.


How about adding 50% to the cost of a burger? How about that money goes to subsidise healthy food for the rest of us?


I don't think fatty foods should be taxed, I think the people that eat too much of it and get fat should be taxed, as they're the ones that are costing all of us.

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