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Fast Food Tax for all?

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With the recent announcement that Obesity costs the country as much as Smoking is it time for a fast food tax?


At present we tax cigarettes to the tune of approx. 58% of their cost goes directly to the treasury.


How about adding 50% to the cost of a burger? How about that money goes to subsidise healthy food for the rest of us?


yes along with about 3/4 of all foodstuff in super markets

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Not all fast food is unhealthy, look at Subway, some things in there are really healthy and others really unhealthy, so does it become taxable once you add full fat mayo instead of mayo lite?


I just thing it's a rubbish idea, I mean you could put extra taxes on everything on the basis of the risk they cause, tax on stilletos because people may fall and injure themselves in them.



Shouldn't be compared to smoking, you need food to live, you don't need tobacco.

Idea's ridiculous.

Tax on stilletto's nooooooooooo don't give the govt any more idea's instead how about a track suit tax and a trainer tax instead.

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Why should I have to pay another Tax on my Weekly Chinese Takeaway, or my weekly fish and chips, or pay extra when I go to McDonalds with the family to enjoy a meal there (a treat we enjoy around once a month).


Why can't people eat sensibly and in moderation ?


Yet again at this time of the year we will be subjected to "lardy familys" or "tubby terry's food diary" etc..... its obvious why these people are fat, they eat too much and don't do any excercise.


So approx 10 out of your 30 main meals a month are takeaways - and you truly believe that is sensible eating and being moderate. Honestly? That is 30% of your meals which are fat loaded and low in nutrients. I am sorry to sound critical but I was just shocked to read that you think this is a good eating pattern.

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The problem is its always a tax stick to beat people with. Why can't we look at it from the other end of the telescope? Why don't we subsidize fresh food, fresh meat and basic ingredients like cooking oil and help people learn how to cook rather than smashing everyone with tax?


If you want to live on KFC and McD'd and ready meals that should be your choice, but wouldn't people be more likely to respond to making some stuff cheaper instead of making everything dearer? I know Jamie Oliver got a lot of stick for the ministry of food in rotherham but at least he had the right idea. Its clear that basic skills are being lost, lets re-introduce those skills and let people take care of themselves and families instead of penalising constantly.

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The problem is its always a tax stick to beat people with. Why can't we look at it from the other end of the telescope? Why don't we subsidize fresh food, fresh meat and basic ingredients like cooking oil and help people learn how to cook rather than smashing everyone with tax?

If you want to live on KFC and McD'd and ready meals that should be your choice, but wouldn't people be more likely to respond to making some stuff cheaper instead of making everything dearer? I know Jamie Oliver got a lot of stick for the ministry of food in rotherham but at least he had the right idea. Its clear that basic skills are being lost, lets re-introduce those skills and let people take care of themselves and families instead of penalising constantly.


A sensible idea - the only problem with it being that those at the bottom of the food chain (literally) already have issue with the amount of payment they get. To increase the cost of poor food would educate people into realising just how (relative) cheap "proper" food is.

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With the recent announcement that Obesity costs the country as much as Smoking is it time for a fast food tax?


At present we tax cigarettes to the tune of approx. 58% of their cost goes directly to the treasury.


How about adding 50% to the cost of a burger? How about that money goes to subsidise healthy food for the rest of us?



When was the last time you paid by card for a burger? Unless it's a restaurant you're more than likely to pay cash, in which case the burger cost you 50% more and the supplier gains 50% more. I very much doubt the NHS would see a penny of it.


Unless you target the individual I can't see how it can be implemented without effecting all.

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