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Cow/ bull attacks

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Just been reading the Daily Mail (red arrow me if you wish lol) and came across a tragic story about a couple in their 60's that were attacked by a bull in Nottinghamshire while out a ramble.


The husband was killed and the woman is stable in intentive care. It must have been horrific. The farmer has since had the poor bull destroyed (which I dont think should have been done its an innocent animal)


Im a country lass, hailing from the green hills of Stannington, and am used to walking through fields full of cows without hesitation- I have been chased a few times, and a herd of bullocks licked all the paint off my bike after me and my mate had to run and leave our bikes as we were being charged at haha!!


Has anyone else ever had any similar experiences? P.S probably best not to name farms/ farmers in this thread :)

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Just been reading the Daily Mail (red arrow me if you wish lol) and came across a tragic story about a couple in their 60's that were attacked by a bull in Nottinghamshire while out a ramble.


The husband was killed and the woman is stable in intentive care. It must have been horrific. The farmer has since had the poor bull destroyed (which I dont think should have been done its an innocent animal)


Im a country lass, hailing from the green hills of Stannington, and am used to walking through fields full of cows without hesitation- I have been chased a few times, and a herd of bullocks licked all the paint off my bike after me and my mate had to run and leave our bikes as we were being charged at haha!!


Has anyone else ever had any similar experiences? P.S probably best not to name farms/ farmers in this thread :)

lol never heard of that before

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I don't think there is enough info on the attack yet to make a judgement. Coming from the Chilton hills of and having a number of farms in my family I have had plenty of experience around livestock. They rarely attack unless they feel threatened. Did this couple have a dog? Did they stray off the path?


The number of people who presume just because there is a foot path through a field they can use it like a park by either letting their dogs of leads or straying is pretty high.

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I have been charged by a herd of cows. I have walked through fields of cows many times. On this ocassion Mrs T and myself were walking quietly across the field, near the edge, away from the cows. We didn't have bright clothing on, or a dog, or any kids with us. The cows though decided to come and investigate, and as they came down the hill they got quicker and quicker until they were at full pelt. We turned and ran, and got over the styal in time - just. I let Mrs T go first, as you do, but as I slowed the lead cow shoved me in the back.


I think at certain times of year they are more aggressive.

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I tell no lies they must have enjoyed the taste!! :)


Im sure a bull would not attack unless provoked unless it was unusually agressive. Cows do tend to be more volatile with young around them. So I certainly wouldnt blame the farmer.


We were also chased by a very large herd of cows and calfs and bulls up in Bradfield- the sight of them stampeeding towards you is bloody terrifying!


I dont think the farmers are to blame one bit- but animals will always be unpredictable

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