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Cow/ bull attacks

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We were also chased by a very large herd of cows and calfs and bulls up in Bradfield- the sight of them stampeeding towards you is bloody terrifying!


yeah seen the intro to i think its the second jackass film? where they are all chased by bulls lol

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I don't think there is enough info on the attack yet to make a judgement. Coming from the Chilton hills of and having a number of farms in my family I have had plenty of experience around livestock. They rarely attack unless they feel threatened. Did this couple have a dog? Did they stray off the path?




Surely you mean Chiltern Hills?:suspect:

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I wouldn't walk through a field with a bull in it, or with a dog on a lead if cows were in it; especially with calves present. I have walked through herds of cows without calves, and with young bullocks and heifers many times with no trouble, they are very curious animals and often follow you, but I have never had any trouble,

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It is a common misconception that bulls attack red...they are in fact colourblind so wearing bright colours etc makes no difference.


Cows/Bulls charge for different reasons and as a few people have pointed out it is usually down to calves. With the bulls though, like any male animal if he thinks his ladies are in danger or that someone is going to tread on his toes with them he will cause trouble.


It is disgusting that people are blaming the farmer, unless he had some sort of remote control device on the bull it isn't his fault. They are usually docile animals but can be unpredictable so no this is definitely not the farmers fault.

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I have a field of cows next door, never seen a bull in there. Our cows come up every day to see our dogs. The whole fence line of cows just stares while our dog does laps of the garden trying to get them to chase her.:loopy:


Theatre for cows!


I love cows:love:


I have had a similar issue with sheep though. A whole field of sheep locked onto my dog and all started walking towards us getting faster and faster. They weren't that fearful of my "OMG how do I get rid of them?" windmill impression but it slowed them down a little. Walked around the other side of the huuuuuge field on the way back but they knew:suspect:! I was very close to sacrificing the dog to their evil and running off myself!

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